The Importance of Meekness
It took me a long time to even try to begin understanding what the word meek meant. For many years I thought it to be a different way of saying that someone was shy. I learned that meekness was so much more than that and actually something the Lord desires from us as believers. When studying this word I can’t help but to analyze how my life is lining up and if I can actually imagine people using the word meek to describe me. Does the Lord see me as meek or aggressive?
Strong’s concordance has the greek translation of the word meek as praos. This means to be mild, gentle, and kind. It’s a necessary balance of exercising power and avoiding harshness.
Meekness Opposes Modern-Day Culture
When I think of how the majority of our culture behaves this day in age, I think of those who like to argue, fight to get their point across, and are completely unyielding to opinions that are different than their own.
I myself can become completely closed-off when countered with an opposing opinion, or when I just flat out disagree with what I’m being told.
Case in point: when I feel like I’m being treated unfairly at work I tend to want to voice my concern and stand up for myself. My blood begins to boil and I become tempted to “fight” for my rights.
However, that would not be very humble or submissive of me.
Ah submissiveness. That’s a whole other can of worms.
To remain deferential is to scream in the face of pride and to resign myself to having a gentle response. A subdued one.
” A gentle anser deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.”
Proverbs 15:1 NLT
Long-Suffering For the Lord
We tend to think that Meekness means that we are timid or passive. But it actually shows strength to remain docile when facing persecution.
It shows that we trust in the One who is more powerful than anything or anyone that may come against us.
Instead of responding in a way that may ruin our witness we are faced with the opportunity to remain humble and gentle in spirit. That is so much easier to say than to do folks.
I think of Jesus as He stood before Pilate, the Roman governor. As He faced a crowd of priests and elders who hurled accusations against Him, his reaction still astounds me. He remained silent.
This is someone who could have destroyed them with one word. He could have told them their thoughts, revealed their sins, and exposed their secrets, but silent He remained. His silence even stunned Pilate.
When I think about His silence, I realize that there is so much more going on than humility. It’s long-suffering. It’s love displayed in quietness. An understanding that His life is in the Father’s hands and that God will have the final say.
“Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act…”
Psalms 37:7 NLT
Strength in Lowliness
To remain humble is to fly in the face of pride and selfish ambition. How much more difficult is it to yield then it is to fight? It hurts more. It stings. And yet the fruit of having a lowly response returns a thousand-fold.
As we think about meekness and how it applies to our lives today, may I encourage you to think about Jesus and the restraint He showed when faced with adversity.
“Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.”
Philippians 2:6-8 NLT
He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less. John 3:30 NLT Share on X
Today I’m featuring Kira from Joy Pursued as my favorite from last week’s Salt & Light Linkup because she did such an awesome job describing what meekness is and how we should be applying it to our everyday lives. Please make sure you visit her post “What does it mean to be meek?” before you link up today on Salt & Light. I guarantee you’ll gain much by studying the examples she gives.
Thanks for the link up – and for featuring that post. I did a study on meekness a few years back and it was amazing. It really helped me to better understand myself and how to live for Christ.
It’s a very interesting word and I’m so glad that Kira is shedding so much light on the subject. Thank you for stopping in Heather!
Thank you for the feature! I am honored to be chosen as your first one.
It’s my pleasure Kira! God bless you!