What Does Your Wilderness Look Like?
The wilderness looks different for each of us. Some of us are trying to find our way through a forest of interwoven branches so thick it’s hard to break through. Others are in vast barren wasteland searching for relief. Just as we have a wilderness to navigate through, so did the Israelites. After their Exodus from Egypt, they were stuck for 40 years in the wilderness due to their own disobedience. There is a promise for each of us but the longer we stay in the wilderness, the more time that is wasted.
You Are Not Lost
When you find yourself wandering in the wilderness, it’s easy to succumb to the lie that you are lost. The truth is that God has never left your side. I was stuck in my wilderness for years. Like the Israelites I complained, worshipped idols, and wanted what I wanted. Yet in that time that I wandered I could hear the Lord calling me back to Him. He warned me, He disciplined me…and He kept doing so until I relented. I surrendered because I knew His truth and purpose for me were greater than what the world could offer and that God had a plan.
The Wilderness is Temporary
It is up to us to decide how long we would like to wander. The longer we stay out there, the more unlikely it will be that we follow through in the call He has for us. The wilderness can be temporary or we can choose to stay there indefinitely and forfeit our purpose.
The Call to Purpose
God will help you get through the wilderness and guide you to the path of your purpose. Today I’m featuring Esther Dorotik from Chosen and Cherished for my feature because of her profound post on stepping out of the wilderness into the promise. She gives some valuable steps on advancing into God’s call in her post called “Making a Way in Their Desert: An Answer to God’s Call“. Please read it before linking up today!
God will help you get through the wilderness and guide you to the path of your purpose Share on X
Thank you so much for featuring my post, Natalie!!
It’s my pleasure Esther! Thank you for writing such an awesome post!