Ever Feel Like You Need To Unplug?
That’s exactly where I am at and it has been a long time coming. I am unplugging from social media and blogging for one whole week. The thought of not being bound to my phone or computer creates an excitement in me that I can’t quite put into words. My heart has been yearning for alone time with God and my family. I want to consume the beauty of nature and the love of my family without the interruption of a text or notification.
Unplugging from technology will help me to acquire two of the things that I desire most. Rest and Freedom. Rest from the outside noise and freedom that I can be one with Christ without being nagged by the world.
Silencing the outside influences makes it easier to hear God #saltandlightlinkup Share on X
Resting in the Lord
When we are fixated on the world around us and people within our circle of influence, life can become burdensome and overwhelming. Taking a breather becomes necessary in the life of a believer to become better aligned to God’s purposes for us. When the outside noises become silenced it makes it easier to hear our Lord speak. Even Jesus went off by himself to be alone with the Father…
“Then Jesus went with them to the olive grove called Gethsemane, and he said, “Sit here while I go over there to pray.”
Matthew 26: 36 NLT
Today I am featuring Maree Dee from Embracing the Unexpected because she discusses the importance of unplugging.
Thank you for featuring me this week, I feel so honored. I hope you are having a great break from technology this week. I can’t wait to hear how it went. I love that you mentioned freedom. Taking a break does bring a beautiful freedom. I forgot my phone last night when I went out, and it was wonderful for two reasons. 1. I wasn’t tethered to it in the first place and 2. Such a nice break
I’m still reaping the benefits from unplugging a couple of weeks ago. It realigned my heart with what truly matters. I love when we receive such revelation from God.
I unplugged last month and it was wonderful!
I’m already looking forward to the next time!