I’m willing to take a bet that most of us would jump at the chance to say that we’re content but let us reflect for a moment. When life rubs us the wrong way our natural tendency is to complain. Think about it…half the time we probably don’t even realize we are complaining. Not only that but we will complain to anyone in the vicinity about how unsatisfied we are with whatever is ailing us at that particular moment if we think there is a chance they are feeling the same way. You’ve heard the saying “Misery loves company”. Well, there is a lot of truth to that statement.
That’s all it takes, a small complaint has then turned into a root of rot. It burrows down causing resentment and anger inside of us and taking whoever was around us for a not-so-good ride. Chances are the complaint was about something that really wasn’t a big deal in the first place. Nevertheless, the enemy’s mission has been accomplished and joy has been robbed.
In my last post we discussed the things we think about and how they affect us. It is completely normal to get angry or upset when we are wronged and there comes a time when we have to address those wrongs. However, there is a difference between that and being a complainer about things that probably occur on a day-to-day basis. For example: Every day you hit traffic on the way to work. Do you complain? Every day you have to clean the morning’s breakfast dishes. Do you complain?
Every day you are short-staffed at work. Do you complain? Perhaps you feel stuck in your lot in life and maybe you want a different life completely, so you complain about not having something better.
You may be wondering how big of a deal is it to God if we spend our days and nights grumbling away about how unfair everything is? I mean does it really make a difference? After all, they are just words and there is no harm in venting. Sometimes we like to sidestep certain verses just because it’s easier to “forget” about them. Don’t buy into that lie, our thoughts and our complaints matter very much indeed.
Let me remind you about the Israelites in the wilderness and their little complaints. They complained about not having enough water, they complained about the manna that God provided, they complained because they didn’t have meat, and they complained about the giants that resided in their promise land. Stuck forty years in the wilderness I’m sure I would have fallen into that trap and done some whining too, especially in the company of like-minded miserable people. By the way, having a crowd of displeased people around you doesn’t make your complaining okay. The complaints from many voices will not drown yours out, for God hears each one of us individually. God heard the Israelites and He answered.

The Israelites were a people who were looking at their cup as half-empty. How many times have I been guilty of this very thing? Instead of seeing how blessed we are in a situation our perception becomes skewed and we focus on what we are unhappy with. What a challenge today to change our perception and to see the beauty in the mundane. Perhaps we are a generation that takes too much for granted or maybe it is the culture we live in that teaches us that we can never have enough. I say it’s a combination of the two with sin as the cherry on top. Only when we are willing to take an honest assessment of our hearts can we see how short we fall.
Oh Lord, may we please learn to have a heart of gratitude instead of a grumbling one. Can I ask you today to take a moment and thank the Lord for all He has done in your life? Take notice of the little blessings around you that millions go without. I found myself being grateful for running water in my home and air-conditioning in this blazing summer heat. I thanked the Lord that I have all of my limbs and I’m able to stand on both of my own two feet each morning, that I have a car to drive, and well the list goes on and on.
When you take notice of the smaller blessings you’ll be that much more grateful for the larger ones. If you’re busy being thankful for everything out of an abundant heart you will not have the time nor the desire to complain. Then eventually your cup will not only be half-full, it will be completely filled.

What a great post! I would love for you to share this at our link-up! http://www.cordof6.com/100-happy-days-35/
Thank you so much Valerie for stopping in and for your sweet comment! I will hop on over to that link-up now 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Awesome post! I love all the scriptures you used. You truly went in depth into the Word. By the way, Love your site! So beautiful and graceful!
Thank you so much Carmen! God's word hits home. You are the epitome of kindness!
Lord, give me a heart of gratitude. Pain blinds us so much that in an instant, we lose sight of all God has done and begin to grumble, even though it compounds the situation. Lately, I've learned to focus more on the blessings of the Lord, regardless of what I'm going through. And, I have found it helpful. Just yesterday, I decided to be writing 5 things I'm grateful for, on a daily basis. I believe that will help get rid of the negativity.
That is awesome Jane! Those are solid steps towards living more abundantly. I'm noticing how we have to be so much more intentional about being grateful. Grumbling comes so easily. Thank you for sharing and God bless you!
We all need a reminder to take notice of the blessings around us and you have done just that. Thank you, Natalie.
Oh God bless you Rachel and praise the Lord. I myself find that I can become agitated and God will send me a reminder to check myself so that I can turn it around. God is so good to us! Thank you for your comment 🙂
Thank you Natalie for your post “are you a complainer ? or are you content?” It was something my heart and mind needed today.
Hi there Vicki,
Amen, I’m so glad you were blessed by it. Praise God!
Such true words. I know this can be a very real struggle for me. Thank you for sharing the Biblical insights you have in this area!
God bless,
I’ve been so much more aware in this area since I wrote this post. Thank God He can change a heart like mine.
Natalie, that was amazing and just what I needed this morning. I try to think I’m amazingly positive, but I have a feeling, when I begin to examine my words closely, I will find a different reality. Thank you for this!
Dearest Mari,
It wasn’t until I made myself pay attention and make a conscious effort to keep from complaining that I realized how often I did it. I’m so thankful that God pointed this out in me so that He can peel it away.
What a great post-thank you for this. I needed this today! Thank you for including such biblical wisdom to back up your post, too.
You’re very welcome Elaine,
This post topic always has me self-reflecting. His words cause me to do a heart check and keep my lips shut. It’s always a work in progress but He’s definitely doing a work in me.
Love this! Love your blog too. I have been here before but it’s been a while. It feels fresh and hopeful. My kinda reading! God bless you.
– visiting from Grace Filled Bloggers
Thank you so much Meghan!
So glad you came by for a visit. Now I’m off to visit your blog : )
This post really spoke to me today!! Lately it seems so easy to fall into the trap of complaining!! This was just what I needed!! Thank you!!
Dearest Diane,
We all fall into that trap from time to time. Believe me when I say that those scriptures are for myself as much as they are for anyone else.
Beautiful article Natalie. Before becoming a Christian I never even thought complaining was a bad thing. But since becoming Christian, it has really convicted me of keeping a positive attitude, in good and bad. I love Colossians 3:24, Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ. We are to do good for Him, not for us.
Thank you so much Amy,
I’m so glad that this post has enlightened you. I continue to learn every single day and I’m so overjoyed when God brings revelation through His word. Praise Jesus!
This is something that I’ve tried to work on the past few years, and God is constantly convicting my heart of. Beautifully written!
Thank you so much Abbey,
It’s something that I have to keep in check constantly. I try to think about all things honorable and pleasant before dwelling on the bad. Thank you Jesus.
My first time reading your blog. The title caught my eye as I know I complain when I shouldn’t because I know better.
There’s one more Scripture I would consider using, Matthew 12:36 “But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.” This verse should stop us in our tracks.
I’ll be back again to read more on your blog, which by the way, is very pleasant to look at and very easy to read.
Thank you so much for your message today.
So happy you stopped by Cindy and I hope to hear from you again : )
Thank you for that verse. It’s truly profound and right on point!
I’m a complainer, always looking on the negative side…a know this but even with Gods help don’t seem to be able to be more positive.
Oh Joy, I’m saying a prayer for you today friend. It is not lost on me that your first name is Joy. Praying joy over you!