Hi there lovelies!
I’m so delighted to be sharing this post with you today because there is a little news that I have reserved for the end.
Let me just say that this journey of blogging has been off to a great start. Everyone has been so gracious and encouraging and I’m humbled by the amount of sheer talent that each of my fellow bloggers possess. I’m amazed at the amount of souls that the Lord has called to sharing the gospel via the internet. The numbers are mind-boggling and yet there is still so much to be said, so much to do, and so many more who are called and haven’t yet stepped into their purpose.
Without further ado here are a few things that I have learned in my first 30 days of Christian Blogging…

Hi Natalie! I enjoyed your post as I am a newbie at blogging. I especially like how you wrote, "It has to be Spirit led and unless you are filled you will be attempting to serve from an empty vessel." It is so vital to be led by the Lord when it comes to what we post. Keep up the great writing. Let me know howvyoublike WordPress, I'm a fellow blogger user.
Thank you so much Ana 🙂 There are so many of us stepping out and I feel it is so important to encourage each other. I appreciate you encouraging me. I will definitely let you know how WordPress goes. So far it is way more intricate and a little confusing. The good news is nothing is impossible for God and he is guiding me through it.
Natalie, lovely thoughts and I share the same feelings as you 3 months into blogging. Like minded ppl often think alike! What's nice is since I have been following u from ur start I feel I am starting to know who u are as a friend! All the best and blessing will continue to follow!
Sue @ mamaofthreeboys.com
Sue I'm so blessed by your comment. I love meeting like-minded people and I can't wait to become better acquainted with you. I'm so appreciative that you have been following me from the start. You have no idea how much that means to me. You have put a little pep in my step today and I'm grateful!
I just started a Christian blog on wordpress after years of using blogger for my parenting blog. It's different but in the long run I think I'm going to like it so much more.
I completely agree with you. It's complex but definitely doable. Congrats on your new blog!
Hi Natalie,
Thanks for the post. I so needed this. I feel like a little fish in the ocean. I'm still learning and have some ways to go. Every time I walk away I come right back. This post has been an inspiration. May God continue to guide you through this path. You'll love the new platform. Congrats on your move.
Thank you Mary! I feel just like you do…little fish…BIG sea. What is great is having Sisters-in-Christ like yourself to encourage us. Thank you for blessing me!
You have gotten off to a great start! Yes, opposition surely comes – but you are being consistent and determined! We can all use these tips I think no matter what stage of blogging we are in! Thanks!
Thank you Clare for your kind words! They are so uplifting and motivating. Be blessed!
So true!! I love this and keep going for the Lord!
Amen Marie! I will definitely keep going. The Lord is before me, behind me, and covering me 🙂
Great post full of wise counsel. I have been learning these things, too. I have been so surprised by the spiritual opposition from the enemy and by my own insecurities and fears rising up. It has been a victory to get anything written. But God is gracious and faithful!
He is so faithful Yvette! Take heart though, He can get us through all of it. Thick or thin He is right there. Keep up with the writing!
Hey Natalie! This is Nia from lifebeforeeternity.com! I just wanted to see if our experiences matched. They do! I love your writing too. You are very genuine. And I think we’re on the same page when it comes to blogging for Christ. I look forward to reading more of your blog and hopefully we can collaborate on something eventually!
Hi Titania! I just love fellow bloggers and sisters-in-Christ. I’m going to have to stop in at your blog. I can’t wait to know you better!
You are absouluty correct! I remember when I was on blogger, and I started blogging. I was trying to be like everyone else. When I got baptized I shared that story on blog, and from then on the flame of sharing my journey was lit. In January of this year I loved over to squarespace. The lord called me to stretch as well. Identifying myself as a Christiant and lifestyle blogger. Identifying myself was not just for people to know what I wrote about, but for me as well. For me to have the awareness of who I was, and whose I was, and what I was called to do. I understand what you mean, and in Jaunray I was fasting and prayed that the lord would give me posts. Literally I wake up with them, or I’m having my devotional time and a post comes to me. I just love how faithful he is! Cheers to moving forward in our calling!
Amen Lenae! That is awesome how God has put such a passion in you for sharing His word. I’m so excited to see where He will take us on this journey. God bless you!
Wonderful post Natalie! I love how you said that we need to step out and write what the Lord has put on our hearts, without fear. I absolutely agree! The enemy will try to come against what God is doing within us and we need to fight this fear with our faith and knowing that we are being obedient to Christ!
Hi Natalie!
I found your site when I searched for Christian blogs on Pinterest, by way of a blog named Married by His Grace. I posted my first article yesterday and I already know what you mean by scheduling time. Don’t be surprised if I take you up on your offer for a listening ear in the future… WordPress scares me 🙂 Anyway, congrats on the site, I sincerely hope that whatever you gain from it, will exceed whatever expectations had. God bless you!
I am just thrilled that you found me and believe me when I say that I don’t shy away from making new friends. WordPress scares me too but there is no giant too large for our God. He is showing me the ins and outs and I look forward to getting to know you better!
Thanks Natalie
Love your post and love your site. Your post is timely found by me. As a new blogger it is great to always find those who are filled with passion and are answering the call yet still takes time to encourage others. God bless you and thanks again
You are so very welcome Lureta! I’m so happy to encourage you on your new journey. I can’t wait to check out your blog. All glory to God!
Thank you for sharing this! I just started a blog, and all of a sudden all of these trials are coming my way. It would be easy to quit; thank you for the reminder that we are in a spiritual battle!
Hi there Rachel,
Please, whatever you do don’t quit. The enemy would love nothing more. Just know that the enemy wouldn’t attack unless you were doing something impactful for God’s Kingdom. Let that fact encourage you to move forward.
Thank you Natalie! I needed this post today. I have just become your newest reader!
Hello Jeanne,
You are so welcome. I’m happy that this post was helpful for you. I’d love to read your blog. Mail me your link please!
So happy I stumbled across this tonight! I launched my Christian blog a little over a month ago and th e past two weeks have felt SO discouraged. My husband keeps telling me it’s Satan, and what a great confirmation from your post!
Dearest AlexXandra, I’m so blessed that you were encouraged by my post. Your Husband is right. The enemy will try to deter you from finishing the work you have started. Keep going Sister!
Love your Post. I just started a Christian Mom Blog and I needed to Hear every one of these. Especially Number 3! <3
– Kelsey @ The Everyday Christian Mom
Hey there Kelsey,
Congrats on starting a new blog! I can’t wait to hop on over and check it out. I’m so glad you were blessed by the post. It’s tough starting out as a Blogger but it is so fulfilling to step in the Lord’s call. Can’t wait to know you better!
So so true. Started my blog just about a month back and I have no time left for anything else. Have been spending the first hours of the morn only with Jesus to receive from Him – wisdom and peace. Loved this post. Thank you. It’s so important to know others feel the same way.
How glorious Sheetal.
You are starting off right. It’s when we are filled up with Him, that we can pour out to others. It’s awesome you are making the wisest choice of all.
Great reminders. I haven’t been blogging long (started 9/1/16) but I’ve run into most of the things you mention in your post. Scheduling seems to be my biggest challenge right now. As you say, remembeing to do your own quiet time and Bible study, prior to writing your blog is crucial to receiving and preparing a message–I don’t want to write just to put something out. I also don’t want to neglect the other important parts of my life: marriage, family, church and ministries, etc. Thanks for the post.
Barbara, God bless you on your new endeavor! What an awesome privilige you’ve been given by God. Please feel free to email me anytime with questions you may have. I’m here to help!
Excellent post! God is getting my attention about my schedule. I need to be intentional in spending time in the river with Him. Glad to have read this….thanks for writing it!
Thank you Cindy! Believe me you aren’t the only one! I’m constantly having to readjust my schedule so that it makes sense. He has to be the priority.
Excellent thoughts and important to remember throughout the years. Blessings to you and your blogging ministry.
Thank you so much Julie! It has been such a pleasure so far and the Lord is teaching me so much. I can’t believe it has been nearly a year since I have first started.
Hi Natalie,
I have seen your posts pop up on my Pinterest all the time and I just want to say I so admire what you’re doing. I have just started my own blog and it’s really encouraging to read stories like these. I especially love the tip about opposition, that is so true. I’ve hit a few roadblocks from being super confused to just doubting in general, luckily I can usually remind myself why those things are getting in my way and pray them away! 🙂
Thanks for this post, it was a great reminder for me today.
It is my absolute pleasure Emily. That is exactly why I write posts like this one…it’s all in the hopes that beginner Bloggers will be encouraged to keep going in their calling. Don’t be a stranger!
Hi Natalie,
I’m in the midst of starting my own blog, Grace for Case. Your blog has been my go-to reading material as I’ve geared up for creating my own faith-centered space. Thank you so much! I just followed you on Instagram and may be reaching out for pointers and encouragement. Joining the mailing list now, as well!
-Casey Houston
Dearest Casey,
I am thrilled that you have been finding inspiration at my blog and can’t begin to tell you what a blessing it is to have such a call. Please feel free to email me so we can talk more privately. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
This blog is exactly what I needed to read right now. I’ve been feeling led to start sharing challenging situations I’ve been through and how The Lord has used those situations to draw me closer to him and reveal more of who he is. Thank you for your faithfulness in our Father’s service. I look forward to reading more of your blogs in the future. May God continue to bless you & your ministry.
Thank you so much for your sweet words Francis. It’s comments like yours that bring me absolute joy in knowing that I’m being about my Father’s business. This is all for Him and His glory.
Natalie, I love this post. First, I agree that spending time with Jesus should come first and foremost – especially when running a faith-based blog. Also, the whole “Fear = Failure” and “Opposition Comes” really hit home for me. I’m coming back into the world of blogging (it’s been about a year) because I still feel led to share what Jesus is doing in my life and how he’s real to me.
Lauren ❤︎
Amen Lauren! I’m so happy to read that you are being faithful to your call and writing again. It’s not easy work but it’s the best kind of work : )
Hi Natalie,
I believe the Lord is calling me to blog. I did not know really where to start until I found some of you bloggers on Pintrest and I’m loving the writings. I am a Jesus girl and have a passion to write for Him! Thank for sharing. I will continue to gather information and seek to stay in His presence. Encouraged even more to begin soon. I love your site!!!
That is so awesome Anita! Please keep me informed as to when you launch your blog. I can give you helpful hints on how to get started too if you’d like. God bless you on your new endeavor!
Hi Natalie, thank you for the guidance. I am not a blogger yet. I have drafted a few posts but felt I need to read more what other bloggers have to say. The guidelines you have given clearly gives me direction so by God’s grace i will start blogging.
What awesome news Julia! I’m going to say a prayer for you in the hopes that God brings you confirmation on whether or not to blog. It’s a huge responsibility but also a remarkable blessing : )
Hi Natalie , Thank you for this post. I am eager to start sharing my faith in Christ through blogging. I am new at this therefore i am so happy for the way you encourage and cautioned me. I would love to chat to you some more.
I would absolutely love to chat with you Julia. I’m going to send you an email right now.
Hi Natalie Thank you for your wise counseling. I am new at this. I have a desire to blog and share my faith in Christ with many for he has blessed me and my God is faithful. I have not posted yet. I will contact you for help.
Yes Julia! Please do. I’d love to help you out and pray with you.
Hi, I am a new Christian blogger and this post has helped encourage me. Thank you for sharing.
I’m overjoyed that you found me and that you were blessed by this post! I’ll keep an eye out for you.
Thank you for this post! I have been blessed by joining your “By His Grace” Bloggers group and by following your blog! Thanks for sharing your heart! 🙂
Lanie I’m so glad that you found me! God gets all the glory! I’m going to hop over and visit your blog now : )
Oh my, this is so relatable! I am a new blogger and as I read this post, I felt like it’s my own heart speaking. Thank you for the reminder to keep the Lord and enjoyment of him as a priority, and not focus on the numbers of followers.
Thank you!
It can be hard because those numbers surely sneak up on you. But be strong and keep your focus on Him. Keep writing and you will see the fruit.
Thank you for the blog. It was helpful as I am just starting to blog. I am building a website right now. I want to get a few blogs up before I open the site and advertise. I am starting by explaining Christianity so that a person that doesn’t know what Christianity is about can read and learn. From there the Lord will lead me.
Hi Natalie. Thank you so much for your post. Your posts are very encouraging. This is a dream of mine to start a Christian blog. I’m new in all this. I decided to take some steps now. I know God called me to share the gospel and that i need to let my fear go and let God guide me in this new journey. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us. May God continue to bless you and guide you. Open more doors and opportunities for you.
Awesome, just started my first blog last night! A team of prophetic intercessors will be joining me. A place to share their faith, dreams, encouragements, etc! Thank you for the tips! God blessings!
Aw thank you Natalie! This has helped a lot
I’m so very glad that this post spoke to you! God bless!
Thank a lot Natalie….I am a newbie in faith blogging too…I find your content, quite inspiring!
You’re very welcome Onyinye! I’m so glad that what the Lord leads me to write is speaking to you. Don’t be a stranger!
I didn’t know you started your blog in 2016. I thought back in 2017 you’d been around forever. 5 years later I am encouraged by this even though I’m not a beginner. Haven’t posted for a while so it sometime s feels like starting all over again.
Dearest Lisa,
I totally get this. I have been on a hiatus myself. Thank you for stopping in and encouraging me with your words.