Day after day we get bombarded with horrifying news. Our Facebook feeds are filled with tragedy and our tv’s display corruption and catastrophe as if nothing good exists anymore.
Upcoming elections have a heaviness attached to them and current political agendas are rattling our senses.
We can’t make sense of it. Each day the World is worse than the day before. We hear of wars and poverty, injustice and murder. The world’s economy is on the fritz and people are in a panic.
There is no escaping this feeling of impending doom by society’s standards because social media is everything, opinions are facts, and privacy is a thing of the past.
I could go on and on about the public unrest and that doesn’t even include the battles we face with our families, jobs, finances, and health.
Panic is everywhere.
But I ask you…are you in panic mode?
If you are a child of God there is no need to be in a panic and here is why…
God offers Peace
All of these things must come to pass. After all, it was all foretold in scripture. He talked about wars and rumors of wars. There is mention of moral decline and disasters that will come upon the Earth. So what does God say we should do in these situations?
“And so, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen, make every effort to be found living peaceful lives that are pure and blameless in His sight.”
2 Peter 3:14
What does that mean exactly? How can we make an effort to be peaceful if we are not at peace within ourselves?
Jesus offers us His peace by knowing Him and trusting that He has it all under control. This is not easy for those of us who like to feel like we can control situations. I am one of those people who likes to maintain some kind of semblance of order. When things get chaotic I tend to panic. Oh but this is not trusting in God my friends…this is trusting in my own abilities. When I revert to this behavior God will get me back on track by reminding me where my trust should be…on Him and only Him. Sometimes this is painful (okay it’s always painful) but sweet friends it is so necessary for our growth.
Trusting that He can do the job better than anyone else as our Creator, as our Savior, and as our Almighty God, is exactly where He wants our hearts to be.
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
God gives you Peace
As our overcomer we can rely on the fact that God sees all the injustice in the world and has it all under control. His ways are not our ways but trusting in Him means that we know that his ways are the best ones. So much so, that He says we can be of good cheer.
So He offers us peace and cheer but how do we get it?
We give Him our burdens by laying our worries at His feet. He knows every hair on our heads, so how much more does He know our thoughts and fears. Releasing those fears relinquishes the anxiety and lessens our loads.
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30
What an incredible promise! Rest for our over-worked, over-stimulated, anxious souls.
Peace is a Prayer Away
Oh yes, God cares about our worries. Our hurting hearts and panicked minds concern Him. He is in our midst, fighting the battles for us. What He asks of us is to pray so that in turn – He can give us His Peace.
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:6-7
I could spend a week in that scripture, dissecting it and analyzing all that is encompassed in those words. There is just so much! However, I will stay focused on the Peace that God desires for us. His peace enters us and then in turn His peace flows from us. Trust, faith, prayer, and supplication is what promises Peace. This world and everything in it is fading away but His word will stand the test of time. That is something we can lean on.
Oh Natalie, this is SO ENCOURAGING! Thank you for reminding us all of His Truth, through your beautiful heart and His timeless Word. I will find PEACE in that. Sharing this so many more can trust in God’s plan and not PANIC.
Thank you dearest Christine. I appreciate the shares and I’m feel so encouraged by your words. I just love your Facebook group and can honestly say it’s my favorite one : )
Wow. This is so convicting. I find myself so often focused on myself. But focusing OUTWARDS and God-wards and Christ-words and being filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit is where peace is. He is our peace. I’m not my peace. I’m by nature so worried and anxious about many things, but my heart’s desire is to be like Mary. So thankful for you sharing this part of your heart in the midst of chaos. God is a God of order, and in His presence is so much joy and so much peace.
Amen Emily. I couldn’t have put it better myself. Worry and panic truly is about self and calculating how YOU will get yourself out of situations but really it’s God. It’s always God. Thank you for your gracious comment : )
I haven’t been in very good control over my emotions and worries lately, but thankfully I’ve been able to recognize that, and seek to fight it with truth! That verse from Philippians is one that often goes through my mind!
Oh beautiful Rachel we all get to that place. I’m so thankful that God’s word is there to guide us back onto the right path. God is good!
Natalie! Once again, you have written truth that lines up with scripture that we can apply today. It is that peace that believers long for and you poured out your heart eloquently! Thank you!
This comment just really hits home right now, such great truth. Thank you for sharing!
Can I also ask, who does your pictures? They are beautiful!
Thank you Taylor! I get tremendous pleasure from sharing God’s truth. As for my pictures, I buy some from Creative Market, create from Canva, or use free downloads via Pexels : )
Thank you for sharing this perspective, for returning right thinking <3
Oh God bless you Kasia! Thank you for stopping in : )
Thank you for writing such a raw, honest piece. I wish I didn’t but can totally resonate with this piece.
Sweet Maria,
We can all resonate with this feeling at one point or another. God’s word swings us right back onto the right path. Thank you Jesus for guiding us!
Oh how I love this post! As someone who has always suffered from anxiety, it has taken so long to realize the peace that can be found in Christ.
Thanks for sharing!!
Amen Katelyn!
God is so good! It’s easy to get bogged down with worry and stress but God says give it to Him. It’s so much better when we realize He is better at fixing our problems than we are : )
AMEN! Thank you for this, God totally wanted me to read this post as it seemed to have just popped out of nowhere on my Pinterest board. Finding peace while suffering in times of fear and anxiety are so beyond my own strength- the name of Jesus is my source of strength and relief. Many blessings!
I’m so blessed by your words that you just have no idea. Sometimes I wonder if what I write is helping anyone out there. This comment right here is why I do what I do. To reach people and impact them for Jesus. All glory to God!
What about those with anxiety disorders? They can’t just choose peace that easily.
Dearest Layla,
Although we may not be able to overcome anxiety that easily, God says that there is nothing impossible for Him (Matthew 19:26). Have you relinquished your anxiety and fears unto the Lord? There is something that I do that helps me overcome. I write down a list about the things that may be bothering me and I get real honest about them, then I hand them over to God in prayer. This has helped me TREMENDOUSLY. He keeps His promises (Matthew 11:28). God bless you.