Attack on the Mind
As we are in the discussion of spiritual warfare on my blog I only found it fitting to Feature Gretchen Fleming’s blog post “3 Ways to Stand Firm Against the Lies of the Enemy“. It is no big revelation to hear that Satan attacks the mind. He has been doing it from the beginning and he won’t be changing anytime soon. What isn’t new is his strategies, he is always attempting to devour us so we need to be able to recognize them. He often disguises himself as our own thoughts and inflicts various wounds by planting bad seeds. He can make you believe things that aren’t true or that never took place. Satan causes confusion and makes you question just about anything.
I do want to clarify that while Satan himself isn’t exactly the culprit, spiritual warfare stems from him. Demonic influences are at play and the attacks on the mind are one of the many tactics that the kingdom of darkness uses against us.
The battle ensues, but the victory is ours in Christ. By no means does Satan have the power that God does and he is greatly inferior. However, spiritual warfare is real and it is intended to make us feel defeated. Below I’ve listed the tactics that you need to be aware of…
3 Ways That Satan Attacks
- Deception/Lies – Satan is a deceiver. From the very first time he entered the scene he started off by deceiving Eve. He caused her to doubt what God had said to her. Satan will attempt to deceive you into believing in him instead of what God says in his Word. Are you believing lies instead of truth today about who God says you are? Are you stuck in a place of doubt?
- Condemnation – Perhaps you cannot seem to escape the feeling of shame and condemnation over your past. The Lord says that you are a new creation in Christ and that all things are new. If you are having thoughts of condemnation and feeling like you are unloved by God then you are under attack.
- Accusations – Satan is the accuser of the brethren. In the book of Job it says that the enemy patrols the earth, watching and waiting to find someone to accuse. When someone accuses you of wrongdoing and you are innocent it may cause you to doubt, fear, and cower. Those accusations can cause you mental defeat and lead to things like depression. Are you letting false accusations hinder your purpose?
Combatting the Attacks on Our Minds
Gretchen discusses 3 effective ways to refute the attacks of the enemy and to keep your mind focused on things above. What we let into our mind is sure to eventually penetrate our heart. Let’s remember to place a hedge around our thought life and lay the enemy’s lies to rest.
Thank you Gretchen for your outstanding post and helping us to recognize some surefire ways to win the battle. Make sure you read her post before linking up today!
What we let into our mind is sure to eventually penetrate our heart Share on X
Please click here to continue on to the featured post to learn how to defeat the enemy’s tactics >>>

I am loving that series on Nicole Kauffman’s blog. Gretchen’s post was awesome. We have to know the truth and stand firm against Satan.
Amen Heather! You are right, both ladies are awesome! So glad you stopped by : )
Can’t wait to read her series on Nicole’s blog. Satan most certainly does attack our minds. And yes, we must fight back! Love your blog !
Thank you Leah!
I’m hopping on over to give your blog a visit now : )
Indeed sister in Christ..satan a looser,deceiver,he will always want to temp people…esp at this crucial time.
Am so glad I joined this blog, because Satan is a liar and a deceiver his tactics are forever renewing. If he can get in your mind, he can and will do a work in you. The mind is such a powerful place. I try very hard to concentrate on good things, those things that will cause joy and not pain.
I’m so glad you joined here too Lonnet! You’re right. The devil is a liar and his tactics are sneaky. You are wise to guard your heart and mind against his strategies.
Hi my name is Letty Granado first of all thank to God for another day amen! 🤗yes I would love to follow I’m always or letting the attacker ruin my days this day forward the attacker satan is rebuke forever in my mind 24-7 forever amen inside out my mind house everything amen, please pray over me for me for strength thank you so very Jesus luv y’all and I do too amem
I’m praying over you today Leticia that the Lord would place a hedge of protection around you and fill you up with His Spirit so that any fear that remains will flee. I’m praying that you are not only strengthened but encouraged in the Lord. God bless you!
I enjoyed your post but the black fonts were a bit too pale, so if you can brighten on future post it would be helpful for other readers too.
I really needed this thank you❤ I want to get back on Christ’s path but some hateful, sinful thoughts circle my mind out of nowhere and it confuses me because i don’t think that stuff, it disgusts me. As a teenager, im introduced to this world of drugs and fornication. Because of past acts i feel unworthy and unlovable but i know God doesn’t think of me that way and that thought makes me feel better. Thank you God bless you!
Ah sister, I totally understand this and I’m lifting you up before the Lord today Nahomy. I’m praying that your past no longer has a hold on you and that you have a breakthrough in your thought life, all in the name of Jesus! Jesus loves you and you have a purpose.
Great article. I find after the enemy serves up that thought to our sound minds our emotions are triggered and then if we hold onto that thought he will manipulate our feeler stacking on one lie after another. The solution for me is to Trust the Holy Spirit and keep my eyes on God and His Word. As many times as the enemy serves up that thought virus I then just keep giving that thought to God as His problem not mine. The enemy will use guilt, confusion, condemnation, the past, future, fear, anything to distract us from keeping our mind set on Him. God will always come through for us in the end as we stand firm in our faith on the Truth. We don’t do Gods will. God performs His will through us. He has given us a blank check. Christ, through the Holy Spirit will solve every problem and meet every need.
Amen to everything you just said Paul. Thank you for your heartfelt comment. I couldn’t agree more : )
Thank YOU For SHARING 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼Satan IS A LIAR!!!😡And LOVES to Reek havoc IN Our Lives To put doubt in our minds AND beat us down👎🏼BUT JESUS Said HE WOULD NEVER leave US !! I HAVE EVEN called Out to HIM!! G-d Bless♥️
God bless you too. Declare His name friend. No need to censor.
Satan is a liar, and he is always on the look to kill, steel and destroy! We must stay awake!
Thank You So Much Satan made me feel like i blaspheme the holy spirit and make me try to worship him when he said it i panicked that im going to heck i started to feel no hope soo uhh how do i stop the evil from entering my mind?