The Call To Make Disciples
How easy it is for us to pass the buck and rely on the actions of others to accomplish the great commission? Let’s be honest, we have a tendency to care what people think about us, and telling people about the love of Jesus is one way to ruffle some feathers. So we say…meh, someone else can do it.
But can they? Will they?
Perhaps God strategically placed you in a person’s life to tell them about Jesus. No one can reach a heart the same way twice, so I believe He orchestrates times and dates for us to interact with people the way no one else can.
Divine opportunities to speak life into a soul without hope. Opportunities just for you. Just for me.
Are you doing the job that God has called each of us as believers to do?
No one else can share the love of Jesus the same way you can. #saltandlightlinkup Share on X
What It Means To Disciple
The greek word for Disciple is mathétés – which means a learner, pupil. It is one who learns the doctrines of Scripture and the lifestyle they require as followers of Christ.
So as you can see, it takes more than just a conversion, but an actual relationship with guidance.
Today I am featuring Edie Emory from She Who Has Believed because her post gives valuable insight about how your testimony can be useful in creating disciples for Jesus. Please stop by and read her post “The Jesus Command Most Christians Are Ignoring”
before linking up today.
Great reminder! I’m clicking over to Edie’s post! Thank you!
Thank you Julie! I pray it touches your heart like it did mine : )
Just stopping in to say that your blog is absolutely beautiful, “inside” and out !
May you continue in His love.
Chenoah, thank you so much! You’ve just brightened my day! I’m so glad that you visited me : )