Feeling Overwhelmed?
Overwhelm is something I have been all too familiar with lately. One thing has piled onto the next to the point of me feeling bogged down, and I ask myself…how did I get here?
“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28 NLT
Then I get our Lord’s simple reminder that I have been placing the heavy yoke upon my shoulders instead of bearing His easy one. How does this happen? By trying to fix things myself and trying to figure it out on my own. That’s right ladies, sometimes I can be foolish and attempt to bear the burdens on my own.
Faith Interrupted
It is then that I realize that the overwhelm I am feeling is a distraction from what I should be doing. My mind and heart get stuck spinning in circles in an endless hamster wheels of possibilities. There is no action, only contemplation.
The overwhelm we feel is a distraction from what we should be doing #SaltandLightLinkup Share on X
God is more definitive than that. He isn’t about the “what ifs”. He is about being the great “I am”. The only way those feelings of overwhelm will dissipate is if I release it to the one who can actually give me a solid plan.
“Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
Matthew 11:29-30 NLT
It’s so much easier to hand it all over to the one who will be gentle with me and understanding. He offers rest and ease…the very things I need.
Today I am choosing Maree Dee from Embracing the Unexpected because her post “When Feeling Overwhelmed Doesn’t Make Sense” resonated so much with me. She goes over some things that contribute to feeling overwhelmed and how to combat those feelings with truth.
Please make sure you read Maree’s post here before linking up today.
Thank you for featuring my post, “When Overwhelmed doesn’t make sense.” I feel so honored to be chosen among so many great writers. I love what you wrote about being overwhelmed, ” The overwhelm we feel is a distraction from what we should be doing.” I had never thought about it like that, but I am going to look a little deeper.
Hoping you have a wonderful day,
Thank you so much Maree! It’s an honor to feature you and look forward to reading more from you! Be blessed!
I enjoyed Maree’s post! Thanks for the linkup and sharing the post!
It’s always a pleasure to have you visit Julie : )