What Does it Mean?
When I initially started this blog it was my intention to share the journey that I am on as a believer in Christ. My hopes were to let you see how Christ is able to transform a life through the power of the Holy Spirit. But as time has progressed, blogging techniques and strategies started to take over. My heart behind Milk and Honey Faith hadn’t changed but the execution certainly had. God had to intervene and snap me back into reality. Oh my friends, I’m going to be honest with you…the process of that change was painful. It still is.
During this recent revelation the Lord reminded me of why He wanted me writing in the first place. What kind of life stories I was supposed to be sharing with you and why. He took me back to the beginning and not in a convenient way. You can read more about that here.
The Meaning Behind the Name Milk and Honey Faith
The Lord gave me the name of my blog over a year ago. Milk and Honey Faith was dropped into my spirit so strongly that I distinctly remember other suggestions for blog names being out of the question. At that time, the name was all that was affirmed, but slowly the Lord has been revealing the meaning behind it. The tagline of my blog reads “From spiritual milk to solid food in the faith”. You might be asking yourself what that means exactly. Allow me to explain by sharing a few verses.
“Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment.”
1 Peter 2:2 NLT
When we are new believers there is a delicateness to how we receive that which is from God. Our minds and spirits are not yet ready to understand the strong spiritual food so we start off with nourishing milk as newborn babies. That is because our flesh is still grappling with the sin we have asked to repent of as new believers.
“Dear brothers and sisters, when I was with you I couldn’t talk to you as I would to spiritual people. I had to talk as though you belonged to this world or as though you were infants in Christ. I had to feed you with milk, not with solid food, because you weren’t ready for anything stronger. And you still aren’t ready,”
1 Corinthians 3:1-2 NLT
Spiritual Milk or Solid Food?
How do you get from point A to point B? What determines whether you are mature or immature in the Lord? Well I have news for you, we all start off with spiritual milk. We ALL transition from spiritually immature to mature followers of Christ. The deciding factor on how long you will stay spiritually immature is in direct correlation to how long you will allow yourselves to be controlled by your sinful nature. It takes a willingness to put off your old self and put on the new in order to grow and mature in Christ and an eagerness to fully surrender your life over to Him and start anew. That’s when the real growth begins.
Sadly, there are are many Christians who never transition because they refuse to be unchained from the bondage of sin. Over and over again they have to be nursed back to health and true growth is never allowed to begin.
“You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God’s word. You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food. For someone who lives on milk is still an infant and doesn’t know how to do what is right. Solid food is for those who are mature, who through training have the skill to recognize the difference between right and wrong.”
Hebrews 5: 12-14 NLT
The Promise Land
Just as the Israelites in the old testament wandered in the wilderness for 40 long years because of their disobedience, our willingness (or unwillingness) to submit directly effects how long it will take us to reach our promise land…a land flowing with milk and honey. It had occurred to me that spiritual (milk) to solid food (honey) in the faith was the perfect tagline for my blog because it not only represents spiritual growth but the promise of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. Both of these the backbone and very influence of my writing.
How long will you stay in the wilderness? Learn how to go from spiritual milk to solid food in the faith. #milkandhoneyfaith Share on X
Back to My Roots
By getting back to the roots of my blog I will be able to be completely transparent about what got me where I am in my walk with Christ today. It’s an ongoing process that will never be fully ascertained until I reach Heaven. The trials and adversity in my life as as a believer refine my faith as fire does to gold. I cannot portray that I have already achieved perfection, and I will not pretend that I have arrived.
“I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”
Philippians 3: 12-14 NLT
As a blogger I can only hope that my transparency in my brokenness and a willingness to share my pain will be able to help others in their walk and reveal the redeeming qualities of our Lord. My prayer and my heart behind Milk and Honey Faith that not only will I grow in the Lord but that you will as well. Let’s journey together shall we?
Oh and One Last Thing…
Have you read my very first post? If you are at all curious you can check it out here at My Simple Truth. It brings a tear to my eye thinking about what got me started writing this blog in the first place.
Be blessed in the Lord,
Beautiful! I love these kinds of behind the scenes stories and especially ones about the significance of names. Love xx
Awe, thank you sweet Hannah for this bit of encouragement. It was hard to be away, and yet I could feel how necessary it was for my writing to get back to my root. Thank you for being the first one to cheer me on!
Thank you for this post! Praying for you!
I appreciate your prayers so much and feel each and every one! Thank you Emily!
Natalie, you openness is beautiful and resembles my own journey of God taking me full circle with his purpose for my writing. God is so good!
He most certainly is! I’m grateful to be getting to know you as a fellow sister in the blogging ministry. I have much to learn from you : )
Such encouragement to me, as a Christian and as a blogger. I know that God has called me to open up and share my own stories of faith, but so far I have only gotten toe deep in the water. But God has been impressing on me that 2018 should be different. Thanks for sharing your heart with us. ❤️
His voice certainly drowns out the others doesn’t it? I’ve received such clarity these past couple of months and have so much to be grateful for. I’m here to cheer you on sweet Beth!
Thank you! God has shown me my area of wilderness. I am not sharing it yet, but like you, I will in time. Today He used you to affirm what He is doing in my heart.
I’m so happy to read this Joy. His correction during our times of wait brings such clarity. God bless you!
Thanks for sharing the heart behind your blog Natalie! That same verse in Hebrews the Lord spoke loudly to my spirit while doing a Bible Study on Hebrews. I felt the Lord saying you have sat too long it is time for you to teach! And this began my adventure into blogging. ❤️ misty
I just love when the Lord speaks to us loud and clear through His word like that. It’s such affirmation to knowing what He wants as opposed to doing what I want. God is good!
Natalie, I love every bit of this. I understand how we as bloggers can get sucked into learning about blogging to grow our reach. It is so easy to get out of proportion with it. God has led me to fast my blog a few times and during those days He will realign my heart. Thankful for His grace and mercy, and it’s all part of the maturing process.
Ah yes Kelly, a realigned heart is what we need. Fasting for your blog is such a wise decision and I’ll have to consider doing the same. Thank you so much for stopping in : )
Love this Natalie! The struggle is always there to stray from what God originally showed us, I know I’m always evaluating my own process and often find that I need to return to the vision He birthed in me! Thank you for your openness and obedience to Him, God is using you!
Thank you so much Nicci for your encouraging words. I thank God for moments like these where He returns us to the original vision He placed in us. It’s so liberating! God bless you!
You’ve been in my thoughts, and this is a beautiful post. It’s by our testimony that others are able to overcome and it’s so important to share them.
Thank you so much and I give all the glory to God. Without His guidance and provision my story would be just another sad one. By His grace my story will hopefully help others.
Oh goodness, Natalie! Exactly what I have struggled with for months now. As we learn more about the business of blogging, it is so easy to follow that next right thing business-wise. And even though that is perfectly right and good in and of itself, is it what we individually are being called to by God? Where He calls me and what I see to be advantageous haven’t been the same and it has been such a challenge of discernment for me! Thank you for your transparency here. It has SO encouraged me 💕 Love you!
Oh dearest Lori,
It helps me tremendously to know that I’m not alone in this. I admit, I’m easily distracted and start to focus on what I “think” I should be doing instead of what God wants me to do. I’m so grateful for His leading me back to what I’m called to do. Much love to you Lori! It’s always a pleasure to read your words.
You’re blog is so beautiful! I love the meaning and thought behind it! May God continue to keep you align with his vision
Thank you so much! My prayer is the same!
Hi there; The name of your site really inspired me to check it out. I am so happy I did. I love the way you place scripture into your writing. Very informative to say the least. I was wondering if you could tell me how to even start a blog. I have some more questions but I don’t want to bother you if you are to busy to respond. Please advise me if there is a way you could help me.
Sisters in Christ
Hiya Dell!
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and seek insight on how to start a blog. I will send you an email : )
Beautiful analogy of God’s word. If we continue to trust him ,we will become better and better with him.