Are You Feeling Worried?
I’ll just scoot into that seat next to you and whisper “me too”. I’ve had moments where my trust in God was completely outweighed by anxious thoughts. I just didn’t see how there would be a good outcome to my circumstances because worry had set in so deep. It’s funny how that happens when I know better. Hadn’t I learned this lesson before? Yet all too often I have been anxiety ridden to the point of tears.
“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”
Matthew 6: 34 NLT
Learn from me about a time I was feeling worried.
If I think back right now, I can’t think of one time that the Lord didn’t come through for me as a believer. I can even tell you a few stories about how God divinely showed up in my life before my salvation. That is how good He is! He’s faithful and completely worthy of our trust. Unfortunately, I can recall a specific time that I let my circumstances speak louder than His voice and I began to worry about our finances.
I had missed quite a bit of work due to my miscarriage and had unexpected expenses. That accompanied with illness and anticipation about Christmas had me questioning how ends could possibly meet. We needed a miracle.
So I prayed.
and God heard.
He came through for me in a big way that could only be the result of answered prayer.
But that doesn’t mean He didn’t let me sit there a while in my uncomfortable place to teach me a thing or two about worrying and why I should be trusting in Him instead.
What He Taught Me in my Anxious Place
- Worrying doesn’t solve a thing – I cannot add a single day to my life when I’m worrying about what only God can fix. So why bother? I’m supposed to trust the Lord regardless of how I feel.
“Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? And if worry can’t accomplish a little thing like that, what’s the use of worrying over bigger things?”
Luke 12:25-26 NLT
- He makes the impossible…possible – Just because I can’t see a way doesn’t mean that God hasn’t already made a way. He makes the impossible happen in ways I could never foresee.
Just because I can't see a way doesn't mean that God hasn't already made a way. #SaltandLightLinkup Share on X
- I had worried for no reason – He had stepped in and provided like He promised. There was no need to work myself up into a frenzy. Those were moments of wasted tears and self-pity.
- Feeling Worried affects my worship – How can I effectively worship when wondering if things will work out for me or not? He wants me worshipping Him in the good and the bad times. Worry is a distraction.
The bottom line is that worry is needless when we have a sovereign God watching over us. His peace is a promise so we’d do good to pray for it.
Worry distracts us from worshipping the One who fixes all things. #SaltandLightLinkup Share on X
To read more about changing your worry to worship please read this week’s featured post by Daily His Disciple here >>>
Thank you for sharing your heart, but also sharing such beautiful truth! Worry is something that I default to so easily. I am grateful that I’m not the only one 😉 But even more than that I’m grateful that none of my worry can change how much God cares for me!
Amen to that Becky! I love that promise! Nothing can change how much He cares for us : )
Natalie, I soooooo needed this today. Thank you!
Love you Leslie and I’m so glad that these words have helped you today : )
This was soooo good Natalie!! I needed this reminder so much. It’s true…God always shows up. It may not be in the way that I think or when I think He should, but nevertheless, He always comes through. He is faithful. I need to remember that. ❤️
Amen Alisa! It’s hard to focus on that truth in the midst of the storm but if we only keep our eyes on Him he will not let us sink. Love you friend!