Guarding My Heart and Mind
As the sole guard over what I’m allowing into my heart and mind I’ve had to reconsider what I’m letting in. Lately I have questioned whether or not I should continue watching secular movies and tv. First, I’ve found that lately I find little to nothing to be entertaining. Second, I realize that the little I do watch, the more I am exposing myself to. Whether it’s language, violence, or disturbing scenarios. They seem to ingrain themselves in my memory bank and I find myself recalling scenes from movies or tv shows from decades ago.
I am convinced that what I’ve allowed to penetrate my mind in the past has impacted my interactions in relationships. Not only that, but it has affected my thought process. I’ve allowed filth to take residence in my heart by letting my guard down.
As I’ve grown stronger in the Lord, my tv watching has become censored and I will opt for a Christian-based movie at the theatre over anything else. But once in a while I’ll let my guard down and watch a movie that has huge ratings at the box office and has received awards. I tell you what, if that movie has bad language, you can bet that I’m more tempted to let those words slip from my mouth. Even then, if I’m not saying them, I’m thinking them and we all know that that is the same thing in God’s book. That convicts my spirit and I find that my list of what I’ll watch is getting shorter and shorter.
Be On Guard
Please do not get me wrong for I know that there is freedom in Christ and I’m not telling you that I will be banning tv in my home or convincing you that you should do the same. However, I do know that there are hundreds if not thousands of ways that the enemy is trying to get us to compromise our faith. TV and movies just happens to be one of those examples but there are many things that influence our hearts. The enemy uses music, news, opinions, social media, education, and countless other tactics to seep into our mind and wreak havoc in our thought life.
“You say, “I am allowed to do anything” – but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything” – but not everything is beneficial.”
1 Corinthians 10:23 NLT
Guard Your Heart
What I am trying to say is it has become more difficult to keep the filth at bay. We need to take extra precautions on what we are letting infiltrate our minds and thoughts. Is it building you up or tearing you down? It will be easier to distinguish what isn’t edifying to your spirit by keeping yourself filled up on the things of God. When we make the better choices we will experience the abundance that God has for us. Sharpening our faith comes with sacrifice. How sweet that sacrifice is when done with the intention of getting closer to God. No longer does you mind ponder on things of the world but on the things of God.
“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”
Proverbs 4:23 NLT
By staying in the Word of God you will be able to discern between what is helpful and what is hurtful. #saltandlightlinkup Share on X
Can I shout Hallelujah to the Highest Heaven about this!? Already done. 🙂 This is the Holy Spirit speaking it out!
Amen Rebecca! I love when the Holy Spirit moves in such a dramatic way. I’m singing Him praises!
Thanks for posting. Great read. I find myself not wanting to hear worldly radio stations that have junk on so I just leave it on my Christian stations. I find it more enjoyable and relaxing.
Yes! I do that too! All my stations are programmed to Christian radio.
This is timely, I’ve recently noticed an increase in really disturbing previews for upcoming movies or TV shows, on TV. I too find disturbing images from shows I am not even watching pop into my mind. What would happen if we all quit TV????
Oh my goodness, yes! Some of the previews I see make my mouth drop. I disconnected my cable and opted for Roku, but even THEY have racy ads. The media is surely being used by satan to captivate our minds and weaken our hearts.
Guarding our hearts and minds is important! If I feel like the Holy Spirit is nudging me to turn off something, it’s best for me to listen to that nudging!
Yes! I totally know what you mean. That nudge is coming more and more. God bless you sister!
Great read Natalie!
Praise God Abby! Thank you for stopping in.
Very insightful! It’s so difficult to find appropriate entertainment for families to enjoy together. Your reminder is so true, we must gaurd our hearts and minds.
It is getting more and more difficult to find anything family friendly on television. I find myself watching classic shows and movies that way I know what to expect. Glad my post spoke to you today : )
I watch old t,v, shows or movies, not just Christian ones and I do like music that is not Christian, but it’s not that noise or bad lyrics. I don’t like so called reality t.v. and too many of those popular trials, what a waste of time, I could have been blogging. You can find a few good things to watch on television.
Hiya Rebecca,
Thank you for taking the time to comment. What I share is in no way meant to say that everything is bad on tv. I’ve been known to watch old tv shows and actually prefer classic movies to new ones. However, much of what is out there today not only influences us in a harmful way but it can also happen without us even noticing. All the more reason to be careful about what we are letting in and to not be afraid to turn off the tv : )