Your Integrity is at Risk
Mine is too. As I quickly approach the two-year anniversary of hitting publish on my first blog post on Milk & Honey Faith, I have been taking time to reflect on how far I’ve come since then. I have discovered that it is only by the grace of God that I am still writing and baring my soul on these blog pages. It has been far from an easy journey and at times it has been nearly impossible. The amount of distractions and discouragement that can come at you when in ministry (of any kind) can be overwhelming. If you are not careful you may begin to buy into lies and compromise your integrity as a Christian Blogger. I’m here to share some ways to help you maintain your integrity and stay true to what God has called you to do in the first place.
The Enemy is Strategic
Satan will constantly try and deter you from what God has planned for you. His strategies are subtle and so compelling that even the elect will be deceived. As Christians it’s important that we expose those lies and stand up for truth, no matter what the cost. He will never stop trying to persuade you, discourage you, tempt you, or trip you up so bad that you ultimately fail. Everyone is susceptible and no one is exempt. The more you are aware of the enemy’s strategies the better you are able to withstand them.
Our blogging ministries should be cloaked with prayer, drenched with the Word, and dripping with sincerity. Share on X
I write to you today from a transparent place for I have nearly fallen into traps that could have jeopardized my integrity as a Christian Blogger. It is the only reason I feel I’m even qualified to shed light on the following ways to keep your integrity. I would be doing a disservice to you if I did not warn you about the real dangers that bloggers who write about their faith have to face. All this is in an effort to keep you from going in a direction that I nearly went. If you are not alert you may find yourself in a confused state and uncertain of how you should proceed.
6 Ways To Keep Your Integrity
As Christian bloggers, I hope that it goes without saying that our priorities should be keeping ourselves immersed in the Word and our ministries covered in prayer. While it may be difficult, it is important to keep yourself accountable to the Lord by living out what you are writing. You will only be able to do that by keeping yourself in alignment with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through prayer and supplication. It is then that you will not only see your blog grow, but He will cultivate tremendous amounts of spiritual growth within you in ways you wouldn’t have been able to foresee. The following are ways to stay true to what the Lord prompted you to do with peace of mind and integrity.
Do Not Compare
While you are trying to accomplish everything that God has called you to it may become tempting to glance at an established blogger to get ideas or gain insight. However, that can turn into a slippery slope of comparison which leads to feelings of inferiority and insecurity. You may end up thinking that you no longer have anything to offer because it doesn’t achieve the same kind of success so and so’s blog does. The truth is that God called you into blogging because you have a story to tell that is unlike any other. You can relate to people in a way the other person can’t. No one out there can duplicate your voice or say things the way you will say them. You are unique and so is your blog. Keep your eyes on your own paper.
Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare
yourself to anyone else. For we are each responsible for our own conduct.
Galatians 6:4-5 NLT
Don’t Be Numbers Driven
As your blog grows you will implement analytics into your site and social media accounts to keep tabs on it’s growth. This is normal and expected. What can happen if you aren’t careful is that you can become numbers obsessed. What starts off as a measuring tool becomes a standard of blogging success. If page views are low you may feel that aren’t good enough and that blogging isn’t worth your time.
I will refute this lie with one simple truth…your blog may speak to one person and that would make it worth while. The Lord will go to extreme measures to reach one person who is lost. In that same regard, we must be willing to go to the distance without paying too much attention to the size of our audience. Jesus isn’t concerned about our numbers, He’s concerned about the hurting heart that needs His message of hope.
If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost?
Matthew 18:12 NLT
Satan will try to disarm you with an attack on your integrity. Outsmart him by arming yourself with truth. Share on X
Be a Peacemaker
I can go on and on with this topic. The online community involves many different types of personalities but you must make it a priority to work well with everyone. As your online presence grows be careful not to get involved with public disagreements. Your social media and blog may get less than flattering comments and you may even be criticized for your faith. Handle attacks and arguments in a discreet way. Make apologies if need be. Share the truth in love and avoid getting involved with gossip. Do your best to maintain peace and avoid being part of the problem. Be the one who makes the first move when reconciling relationships and create environments of unity and peace.
And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.
James 3:18 NLT
Ministry Isn’t About Money
Monetizing a blog is a tricky subject and you will have to ask yourself the hard question of why you are writing for the Lord in the first place. Is your blog a ministry or are you trying to create a business? There is a difference between making an income from your Christian blog and turning your blog into a money-making machine. Jesus came into the temple and flipped over tables for a reason (John 2:13-16). He was angered that extortioners were turning His house into a marketplace.
If you view your blog as a ministry then I’d carefully ask yourself what your motives are for making an income. Is it in the hopes of becoming a business success? Or are you simply trying to supplement your income and maintain the costs of running a blog? There is a fine line and enticing Pinterest images may convince you to turn your ministry into a business. I personally do not see that there is anything wrong with supplementing your income with blogging. However, I do think it’s important to constantly ask the Lord to examine the motives of our hearts so that we are not ensnared by the love of money and inadvertently wander away from God’s plan for us.
You rulers make decisions based on bribes; you priests teach God’s laws only for a price; you prophets won’t prophesy unless you are paid. Yet
all of you claim to depend on the Lord. “No harm can come to us,”you say, “for the Lord is here among us.”
Micah 3:11 NLT
Stay Humble
Remember where you started. We all started with zero followers and no audience. Do your best not to fall into the trap of favoritism and only associating with the elite. It is by His grace that you have the privilege of sharing His message. Don’t let popularity and surging numbers go to your head. The Lord is the reason that your blog is gaining exposure and what He gives can be easily taken away if you become proud or arrogant. Spreading God’s message is not an opportunity for competitiveness to rear it’s ugly head. Reach out to mentor the blogging beginner or help other writers by giving them insider tips. A word of encouragement and a helping hand go a long way.
But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
Matthew 23:12 NLT
Remember, it’s God’s Platform. Not yours
Furthermore, God is the one who has called you to write in the first place. It is His platform and His name that will be glorified no matter how grand your online presence becomes or how many books you publish. It will be up to you whether you give Him the glory or try and keep it for yourself. I assure you that it does not end well for those who try and keep the glory for themselves. Just ask King Herod who was immediately consumed by worms after he fell dead. Give all the glory to God. Christian blogging isn’t about you, it’s about Him working through you.
Now all glory to God, who is able through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.
Ephesians 3:20 NLT
After reading this lengthy post my prayer is that you are better equipped and more aware of the sneaky strategies of the enemy. You are empowered and entrusted with an important message. I’m praying for every writer who reads this to be strengthened in the Lord as they seek His truth. Let nothing deter you, your story matters.
Be Blessed,
This is one of the most amazing things I have read in a really long time. So many people in the blogging world look up to you, and what you wrote sums it up. You write so genuinely. Thank you for everything you do.
That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me Jessie! I give all the glory to God and truly could not write unless He put it on my heart. Sometimes it even comes down to my fingers moving as the Spirit leads. It’s so surreal and such a privilege to be able to write for our King.
Very well said (written 😉 These are all great and realistic points that we must live by as a Christian Blogger. Being in our word, building godly relationships online and off line, and staying in consistent prayer for God’s will; will help us stay in accordance with each of these very important strategies we must have as a Christian Blogger/Writer. Very good reminders to us here!
I couldn’t agree more! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment Carmen. It means a lot to me!
One of the most powerful and much needed post for every blogger. You are anointed. Preach it!!
Comparing, condemning, being only business minded, and even being proud can be the biggest downfall.
It is something I told myself early on that when I started blogging I knew no one else and would have only be a Pen for God.
God kept me in track all these months.
I pray that I remain humble , remember to glorify God and be kind to others.
Thank you for being a messenger of God through this post for me today.
Much Love,
This nearly brings me to tears. Diana, you have no idea how much your words mean to me and how they have encouraged me. It’s moments like these that I know I’m doing what God has called me to do. My prayer is the same, exactly the same. I’m just so grateful that I have it in me to take heed to His voice. Only by His grace.
These tips should be shared with all in the blogging community. Integrity should shine through every blogging decision and/or action. We must walk out our salvation so the world will see our good works and glorify God.
Amen Calvonia. Our words and works are on display and our lives are testimonies to His truth. It is so important for us to stay aligned with biblical truth and be obedient to it no matter what. Thank you for taking the time to comment!
Excellent writing for the Live of our Creator our Lord God .
.My Son,donot forget my love.But let your heart keep my commands.(Pr 3.1).If your heart is wise,my heart will rejoice.Pr 23:15
If you abide in My words ,you are my disciples indeed .John 8:31.
John writes,’ I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health,just as your soul prospers .
Amen and amen. Truth abounds!
Oh Natalie! So much truth and encouragement. I’ll be reading this over and over again- it’s so good. Your heart is amazing, and God is using you in a mighty way!
Jen thank you so much for encouraging me in such a big way today! I cannot take the credit for this, it is all God. I was simply obedient in what He asked me to write.
Such a great blog post! There are so many things that can come against us as bloggers, and I know you and Carmen have both faced health challenges the past year and I stand amazed at how persistent you both were in following God’s call. My husband and I have started praying over my blog posts each time I post a new one after a slew of spiritual and physical attacks. The enemy certainly is threatened when we obey God.
Only by the grace of God Lizzy! I will not stop unless God says it’s time for me to stop. For now all I hear is keep going. Praying a hedge of protection around you this morning : )
Thank you for this beautiful post and for the reminder! It’s so so easy to lost track and fall into the dark side blogging yet so so important to stay focus and keep our mind on the Christ; letting him be our guiding light in this path. This applies to me as a Christian who doesn’t blog primarily about faith but about other areas of our lives that should glorify God.
Amen Asakemj! The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. John 1:5. That’s a truth to hold onto.
I love this. I need to remember these points!
I’m so glad Sarah! We all need to remember these ; )
Dear Natalie, you are writing out of my heart. Be blessed.
Greetings Elisabeth
Be blessed as well Elisabeth. It’s nice to know that we share the same sentiments.
I so agree with these. Being a Christian blogger is about sowing your seed and investing your God given talent for Him. Leave the rest to Him.
I’m shouting a resounding amen to that Alice! It’s always a pleasure having you.
“Our blogging ministries should be cloaked with prayer, drenched with the Word, and dripping with sincerity.” – This is so, so, so good! I loved this post. Pinning as well 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing Jordan! I appreciate your kind feedback : )
Be a peacemaker! Yes! Blogging can be a great way to expose people to new perspectives, but it takes peacemakers to encourage people to listen rather than be defensive.
That is wisdom right there. The Lord instructs us to be gentle in spirit, if only we could grasp that concept as the Church and apply it to our conversations.
Such an important reminder. The temptation is always lurking to compromise our online ministries in each of these ways. My favourite is the last one, and I believe the most important: It’s God’s platform, not mine. Thank you so much for sharing, Natalie!
I’m right there with you sister. It’s humbling when we think of ourselves as the hands and feet of Jesus and we are here to be used by Him. Thank you for taking the time to read this!
The enemy is sly indeed. Love this post, Natalie. We can keep our armor on and our eyes up and our hands out to those around us. God covers us on all sides, he is faithful to do so! Blessings to you friend! xoxoxo
The enemy may be sly but our God is sovereign and nothing gets by Him. I’m so grateful for His instruction and wisdom that He bestows on us to keep us aware. Much love to you friend!
Yes to this!! Checking our motives on all sides is a wise regular practice. If Jesus had a blog, what would it look like? Food for thought. Thank you for this. Love your heart, friend!
I absolutely LOVE that you just said that Kelly! What would Jesus’ blog look like? Or what would He think of my blog? Such good good things to ponder on.
Girl! You are speaking directly to my heart today! I’ve felt so attacked lately. I’ve been trying to shake off the comparison lies! You have validated what I already knew, but encouraged me to keep pressing forward! It’s not about the $$ it’s about the Kingdom. <3 Bless you for this!
Amen Katie! God is glorious! I love that He is always right on time and will speak into our heart matters right when we need Him to. I adore your blog!
So so good Natalie ❤️❤️❤️Love you friend!
Thank you dearest Shannon! I love you too!
This post mirrors the exact challenges I’ve been struggling with in my heart as I set out on this journey. It’s very refreshing to read this stance, when so many out there are advocating for a numbers- and income-driven focus.
I wish there was a printable summary for this post that I could keep on my desk as I plug away at my work day after day!
Well done!
Oh Sophie, I have been there and I applaud that you are forging ahead knowing the challenges that await. The sooner you discern between what you want for your blog and what the Lord wants, the better. I’m so blessed that you stopped in.
This was great – It brings me comfort to know that I’m not alone in the struggle. Analytics is a double-edged sword. I’m so thankful for the reminder that “Jesus isn’t concerned about our numbers, He’s concerned about the hurting heart that needs His message of hope.” Thank you, sister, for having the courage to open your heart and be real with us.
Amen Jill! God is definitely doing a great work within us and His spirit is ever present to keep us on the right path. Thank the Lord!
Natalie, thank you so much for this! On my morning walk today I was praying for my blog and asking the Lord to give me some clarity because I have felt a little lost about my blog lately. This post has given me much to think and pray about!
Dearest Nicci, it blesses me immensely to know that this post spoke to you. It was a long time in the making and it is comments like yours that make me glad that I followed through.
These are great Natalie. Blogging is a huge world with a huge responsibility. As long as we keep God first, He can continue to direct us past the numbers, analytics, and comparisons. Loved this. Pinned it. #BVNetwork
So true Brittany! May He continue to reign over every aspect of what we do. To God be the glory!
Whew. Last night I got a comment on a blog that has had very low views but the one comment was a gentle reminder that no matter how many people I want to see and share it, the only true thing that matters is the “one” Jesus needed to see it. It really is not about numbers and I so glad that happened and even more glad that I read your post on this today.
I love when God shows up like that in the encouragement from someone else. It’s not about the numbers but about the individual that God wants to meet. Thank you for stopping in Kristin!
Natalie, thank you for humbly sharing your wisdom in this post. Sharing this widely. Blessings on your writing ministry!
Thank you Sarah and many blessings on yours!
This post is so timely, totally felt like i poured my heart out to you and you responded to me. I really needed this. Most of these points i thought i knew or had heard before but you explained them so simply i had to admit to myself that God was speaking to me directly through this post. Thanks for being so genuine in your posts and being true and obedient to Christ.
Lola, comments like yours are part of the reason I do what I do. To encourage and speak into the life of others. So glad God used me to speak into your heart.
Great post! I love the part about comparison and how the enemy sneaks in. I know that can be so true for me and my blog. You have a beautiful and encouaring blog! Keep it up:)
Thank you so much Leah! The enemy is sly and deceitful. He will convince you that you’re not good enough and that you don’t compare. What a lie! Your blog is not only lovely, it’s inspiring. Love what you do Leah and God bless!
Fantastic post, you have truly blessed me with great insight. I’m a beginner and I’m looking forward to learn – as I grow. Thanks!
Thank you so much Victor. It blesses me to know that I have blessed you.
I completely enjoyed everything about this blog post! I needed to read this and remind myself that God is the One who impressed me to do this. I remember where I was sitting and what He spoke to me about it. I had no idea what a blog was or how to begin one. Blogging is an emotional roller coaster because you want the whole world to hear your message and testimony! So thank you for posting this and bringing the truth of why we all begin back to our minds.
LaDonna | Faith Family and Miracles
Amen LaDonna!
It brings me great joy to know when something I have written ministers to someone else. Blogging brings so many emotions and challenges with it. The awesome thing about it is the places in the world we are able to reach through it. God definitely knows what He is doing!
Thanks Natalie. These are excellent reminders.
Amen,Amen and Amen,it is with a heart full of joy that I am telling you that your blog is so inspirational to me,something that I have been looking for almost all my adult life .I think finally God is going to use me through you and I intend to be faithful and fully committed for whatever the Lord has in store for me.
You have no idea how much your comment has blessed me and spurred me on to keep doing what God has called me to do. I’m shooting you an email now : )
Natalie, you have no clue what this post means to me. I needed all of these reminders TONIGHT! This spring will be two years that I started my blog…and today as I thought about it all….I just found myself discouraged. This post was from the Lord to me. THANK YOU!!!!!!
Amen Emily! That brings me so much joy! I’m so grateful that this post found you!
Thank you so much for posting this. God placed the vision for a blog on my heart in 2015 and it’s finally becoming a reality this year. I had never even read a blog when God told me to do it. It’s ready i just have to hit the publish button but I’ve been hesitating due to fear and insecurity but I’ve been reading through some of your posts today and found just what I needed. So thank you so much for the encouragement and extra motivation I needed. (I will update my url as soon as I’ve officially published my blog but it’s
Dearest Gwen,
What an exciting time for you! I applaud you for stepping out and taking that giant leap of faith. Believe me, it’s worth it! Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have.
Thank you Natalie. As a new blogger, I so needed to hear this.
Amen Yolanda,
We are so fortunate to be writing for the Lord and it’s a responsibility I don’t take lightly. Bless you!
Wow! Natalie. You are speaking God’s own words. God used my husband to tell me some (most) of the very words you’ve used in THIS post but a lot of time has passed since then.
I didn’t realize it, but I began to live as if God had given up on me. Now, He’s starting to show Himself again, this year, in a mighty way! Thank you for your encouragement. I’m sure it feels good to be right in line with God. I pray that I’m getting there.
God led me here, and I know it. Now, I know I’m allowing Him to lead me. Praise God! Thank Him! He has led me straight to tHis advice (that’s not a typo, btw)!
Thank you for all of your wonderful, helpful posts. I can feel the sincerity in your words. Thank you for spending time with Him. I pray that this is more encouragement for you as you encourage us, Natalie. God bless you even more.
I’m so excited that you found me and received this kind of revelation through one of my posts. God is always at work! It blesses me to know that you have been blessed. Thank you for encouraging me today!
The new design of your site is BEAUtiful by the way! I can only hope that He will allow me to share with you one day all the ways that He has used (is using) your experiences, testimony, and site to bless me. It is truly Him! Thank you!
Yvette, that is so incredibly encouraging! Thank you so much!
Loved this post. Thank you for the reminder to remain humble, close to God, and true to what He has called us to. God Bless!
Amen Kerry! So glad you stopped in to read and I’m so glad this spoke to you.
I’m so glad I found this post exactly when I needed it. I’m about to restart my blog and I have been wondering how I’ll keep my integrity and not fall a victim of any scandal during the process
Praise God! I’ll be saying a prayer for you as you continue your blogging journey.
Thank you Natalie! This was really good and very helpful to my journey. I started blogging a few years ago but I’ve been trying to figure out how can I incorporate my faith without losing my integrity. Your points gave me a lot of confirmation and thank you also for referencing the Bible verses with your points. I’ll be saving this to my Pinterest to look back to. Thank you again!
Anetria, You have no idea how much your comment has blessed me. I wrote this post after feeling convicted of the direction I was going in. I like to reference it often to remind myself of what God placed on my heart. God bless you on your blogging journey.
Thank You so much for this content and reminding me why I am writing for the Lord.
Praise the Lord Kendra! I like to be reminded myself : )