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Today I’m thrilled to feature Nicole from Courage. Hope. Love. and I believe you are in for a special dose of enlightenment Nicole not only imparts godly wisdom but 3 surefire ways to better discern what God is trying to say when facing a decision. I know that it is imperative for me to understand the choices that God wants for me and I don’t take decisions lightly. This post will not only inspire you to be a better listener but to turn down the noise that might be distracting you from making the best decision. You will glean much from Nicole as her blog is chock-full of helpful posts and has been one of my long-time favorites.
Have you ever struggled to discern God’s voice when facing a decision?
You know, that itching feeling when it comes to discernment. The one where you just want God to shout out which way to go? I’ve been there. Too many times. I’ve faced decisions, crossroads and major life changes and stood frozen, afraid of making the wrong choice. If I’m being honest, my career path has been far from normal. The best way I can think to describe it is as a wrestling match between my desire for security and God’s call for me. It took years of scrambling, trying to find a career, for me to finally take a leap of faith and follow God. And let me tell you, along the way, I have faced so many decisions. I’ve learned a lot about what it takes to discern God’s voice above the noise.
Today, I want to share with you 3 powerful ways to discern God’s voice when you face a decision.
1. Be Still
God often does not shout above the noise in our lives. When we fill our days with busy schedules, distracted hearts and occupied minds, we push out any opportunity to listen to God. I have faced the most loneliness and discontent at the end of a busy day, a busy week, a busy season. It is only when we slow down, that we open our hearts to hear God’s voice.
The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake.After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. -1 Kings 19:11-12
Satan wants us distracted with the fires and earthquakes in our lives. He wants us busy and burdened so that we are unable to hear the gentle whisper. I want to encourage you to set a specific time aside to be still for the Lord. Choose a day, or a specific time during the day that you can sit quietly before God and meditate on Scripture, pray and be still. When you do this, you will see past the noise and hear God’s voice.
2. Don’t Listen to Fear and Guilt
How often do you act based on fear or guilt? Avoiding a conversation, changing your decision, not stepping up. I have done so many things in my life because of fear or guilt. And often, when I face a decision, these two things are on the forefront. Whether I’m afraid I’m not good enough, or afraid of the unknown, or weighed down and timid because of guilt, I have found myself facing immense guilt and fear when it comes to some major decisions. I have wrestled with the doubt that the fear I feel is a sign to stop and turn around. But God does not direct us from a place of fear or guilt.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. -2 Timothy 1:7
But God does not direct us from a place of fear or guilt. @NicoleAKauffman #sunshineandscripture Share on X
God calls us forth in power and in love. When facing a major decision, consider your motivation. Are you choosing based on fear and guilt or God’s love and power?
3. Keep Moving
One of the greatest ways that Satan can work in a time of decision and discernment is to paralyze us with doubt. There are so many crossroads as we grow in our faith and move forward in our lives. We will face decisions of all different sizes. It may be as small as who to sit with or as big as leaving a job for ministry and everything in between. Decisions and discernment are a part of life. And we cannot let that stop us from our true calling. It is important to seek God’s will in every decision you make. However, do not let the process of discernment keep you from moving forward.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. -Matthew 28:19
When you face a time of discernment, be sure to ask yourself this: Are you loving others and serving the Lord? So long as you are doing this, you will be walking in God’s will. Don’t let Satan paralyze you when you face a decision.
Don’t let Satan paralyze you when you face a decision. @NicoleAKauffman #sunshineandscripture Share on X
Take time to discern God’s voice, but then make a decision and keep moving forward. If you are facing a major decision in your life now, I would encourage you to spend time every day with the Lord. When you do this, you will find that His plan for you will unfold. He will direct your paths when you lean on Him.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. -Proverbs 3:6
I also encourage you to read this post by my friend Deb from Counting My Blessings about “How To Really Know If Something is From God.” Her wisdom will give you more confidence to know if you are hearing Him or not.
Nicole Kauffman is a wife, blogger and passionate follower of Christ. Her blog, Courage. Hope. Love. was founded to encourage, inspire and guide Christians to deeper hope and joy in the Lord. Nicole lives in Pennsylvania with her God-seeking husband and family. She is an aspiring author who loves to grow relationships, mentor, and explore the beauty of God’s creation all around. She’s hoping you will join her on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
This was lovely encouragement. Thank you.
Thank you for stopping in on the Tour Kris. You’re feedback is appreciated!
Natalie, Thanks for sharing this!
Nichole, great advice! I guess it is possible to get stuck at the absolutely necessary “Be Still” stage if we become paralyzed with fear, allow bad attitudes to set in, or just flat out don’t like what God is telling us to do. So, that 3rd step also becomes necessary, as we must step out in obedience to what God has told us to do in the stillness.
Thank you so much for joining us on the Tour Ruth! I’m honored to feature Nichole!
Thanks alot for such inspiring word
Glory be to God. So glad you were ministered to today.
Thank you verry much for this imp blog really blesses and helped. .
I struggled a lot thinking what’s going on in my life you’ve been a great help to me in my spiritual life to keep going.
God bless you. Waiting for more..
That blesses me so much Victoria. God bless you on your continued journey and I hope you will keep in touch throughout the Tour.
Dear Nicole, you post came at such a perfect time, when I was about to make a decision about my career, whether to take a job or start my own business and I am listening to God’s voice. I am taking time off today to listen to Him. Thank you so much for your help. You are a truly anointed woman of God. I LOVE YOU. 😘😘😘🙌🙌
I’m so thrilled you were blessed! I love Nicole too!
This is so helpful. Thank you.
You are so very welcome Mimodoo. God bless you!
I have been trying to make a decision about a job for the last three weeks. It’s funny that I never considered being still even though Psalms 46:10 is my signature on things. Thank you for this reminder.
I’m so elated that you are going forward with that scripture as your foundation. We need not strive for what we want, we only need to be still. That’s speaking to me in this very moment.
Thank you, Natalie, for featuring this inspirational and beautifully written post. Thank you, Nicole, for bringing light to a constant battle I have within myself…discerning God’s voice. I pray and meditate and try so hard to hear God’s voice. When I feel like He has spoken, I turn in on myself and say, “How do YOU know God’s voice?! You, who sin, you with your sometimes shaky faith and constant questioning of God…if God spoke to you, you would never recognize it!” I’m hard on myself, to say the least. A lifetime of self-doubt and low self-esteem has created my worst enemy… me. After reading your words, several times over, I have a small sense of renewal, a bit of a feeling like, “yeah, I think I can do this”. This positive thought is a huge leap for me, it’s scary too. I’m going to let your words stir in my heart and mind for a while, allow myself to listen to my inner voice saying them over and over again. I’m bookmarking this post to read every day, especially when Satan convinces me I cannot do this and with God’s help, I hope to learn the sound of God’s voice, without wavering or question. I ask for your prayers. Be Blessed.
Praying for you today Judy,
I’m inspired by the impact this post has had on you. Nichole is an anointed writer and it is a privilege to have her as a guest. God has a distinct way of showing up and giving us a word exactly when we need it. I’m so glad you heard from the Lord in this post and I encourage you to keep listening without doubting that it’s His voice you are hearing. He is with you.
Wonder post something I need to hear and moved my soul. Thank you
This is truly amazing and beautiful!
I just read this as post and I was amazed at how much this aligned with what I have been dealing with. Thank you so much for your time & Gods guidance in your life.
I will become a follower of your blog.
Praise God Barb! I’m not sure if that means Nichole’s blog or mine. Hopefully it’s both ; )
These are all so true, I have lived through marriages and children with and without the LORD. I hope you will find a blogger who is past that season and is now having to watch and lay at the foot of the Cross their children and step away. As rewarding and difficult it is to rear them, watching them travel their paths is….
hey am new here i really want to know what i can do to stop to haveing bad thoughts because they have become a big burden into my life i want to have a fresh mind
Sweet Gabriella,
My advice to you is to meditate on the scripture Philippians 4:8 and pray it out loud. Write it down and post it in a prominent place where you can see it every day. Ask the sweet Lord to help you with this struggle of yours and surrender it over to Him. He is our helper and He will break this stronghold over you. Praying for you tonight.
Inspired me a lot felt tears in me.
Thank you Joshua. So glad that you received revelation today.
Beautiful information.
I gleaned much wisdom from this post myself Barbara : ) I’m glad you joined us!
You have inspired me with your knowledge on to identify the voice of God, please always send me some words of encouragement to grow in my faith as a good wife. Thanks
Thank you Nicole for the encouragement and revelation!
This is beautiful and helpful to me, thank you for sharing your clarity.
Amen Ffiona, Nicole does have an extraordinary way with words as God speaks through her so eloquently.
Thank you for sharing me positive uplift in a world that really needs it. I am on vacation in a large city with my family right now and the encourament feels good. Thanks
God is Good! Been needing this! Thank you
This has brought me just so much JOY…
I forgot my #1 lesson..
So glad you were able to stop in and be blessed by these words from Nicole!
Wonderful encouraging scripture and words.
This was a word I needed right now. Thank you!
Thank you so much for that. I’m faced with a financial decision my husband and I were talking over this morning. I prayed.
Later this evening I sat down to do some bible study and I came across your pin (I’m not on any other social media).
But before I started my husband called me (he drives at night on his job) just when he called and I answered he immediately told me he had to call me back in which it gave me this quiet time to jot down these 3 Powerful Ways To Discern God’s Voice when facing a decision.
Thank you so much Be Blessed
This blessed my heart so much. God bless you and I hope everything worked out well.
Thank you very much. That’s my number one question. How can I hear God’s voice? Am I walking in his will? What is my calling? Those questions stay on my mind all the time…I enjoyed reading your post.
thank you for your guidance 🙂 u helped me alot, praise god for what he made u do
To God be the glory! So glad that this post spoke to you. God bless you.
It’s so good to hear the voice of God through you. God bless to us all.
This is a great post! Definitely going to keep these tips in mind when I next need to make a decision.
Iam struggling to focus nd listen to his voice
I have been there. I’ve found that when you turn down all of the other noise (tv, internet, news, etc) and pick up the word of God that you begin to feel close. It begins with obedience.