The Comfort Zone
There is a super cozy place that I could happily see myself entrenched in for the rest of my life. It’s called my comfort zone and it’s my place that is free from the threat of fear or trepidation.
My comfort zone is my safe space where I have a proper understanding of my surroundings and the people within it.
My safe bubble include places like my own home or my parent’s house.
It’s people like my family or close friends whom I trust.
When God Asks You To Step Out
Throughout my walk with Christ I’ve noticed a persistent nudge to not only ditch my comfort zone, but to proceed in new uncomfortable ways. I’m not going to lie, sometimes those nudges can create fear inside of me. Sometimes the shy introverted voice inside wins out. Then I end up in my comfort zone with my hands folded in my lap.
That is when I know that I have missed out. I have stood still when God had placed a stirring inside me to move.
Almost immediately regret enters the picture. I know that I have allowed my fear of the unknown outweigh the prompting to move. It always weighs heavily upon my heart.
I think you’ve probably been there as well. We all have.
So how do we change it? How do we overcome the fear of the unfamiliar? I think if we become knowledgable about what fear actually is, it will help us to recognize it before it closes in.

Fear Inhibits Us
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
2 Timothy 1:7 NLT
As we can read in this verse above fear and timidity actually work against the Holy Spirit; which is of power, love, and self-discipline. It sneaks in and renders you helpless.
“So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.”
Romans 8:15 NLT
We can also read in these two verses above that fear is actually a spirit. It comes and goes, but when it takes residence it can make us slaves to it. Instead of responding to the Holy Spirit we become paralyzed by fear.
Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Leads To Blessings
I recently found myself in a situation where I was being called out of my comfort zone so that I could join others from Church in a Faith Walk. A faith walk consists of believers gathering in one place to pray and worship the Lord before going out to the city streets to pray. One or two people stay behind and pray by the leading of the Holy Spirit and write down whatever is placed upon their hearts.
Afterwards, we join together again and circle everything that we experienced during the faith walk that confirms what was written down. It’s a great time of fellowship and rejoicing over what God has done through each person as they prayed. It requires stepping out in faith and trusting in the move of the Holy Spirit.
Initially, I was fearful of stepping out in this way and a little nervous. I was surrounded by unfamiliar people and venturing out into places in our city that I have never been. However, through my obedience I was able to be used in a mighty way. I was able to pray for someone who was sick. It was a blessing for not only me, but for the person I prayed for. I was able to see God move in a profound way.
I could have missed out on a moment that the Lord used me.
The same goes for you when you say no because of fear.
By choosing faith we are able to trump fear and stand in victory.
Instead of cowering in fear, let's take a stand by guarding ourselves with the shield of faith! #fromfeartofreedomtour Share on X
Pray For Strength and Courage to Overcome
When we are facing moments of fear and being stretched further than we thought we could go, it is the perfect time to fall on our knees and pray to the one from which all good things flow from. He will be our strength in our weakness. He will provide the courage we need to be obedient to His call.
When we humble ourselves and lay at His feet it is then that we recognize that it is not by our strength, but His. His Spirit gets us through those fearful moments.
“I prayed to the LORD, and he answered me.
He freed me from all my fears.
Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy;
no shadow of shame will darken their faces.”
Psalm 34: 4-5 NLT
Those Who Left Their Comfort Zone in Faith
There is a long list of those who are named in the Bible who could have easily resided in their place of comfort. How different things would have been if those named in the Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11 would have tarried in fear.
Moses had fled from fear of death in Egypt to a safe place in the land of Midian where he got married and even had a daughter. When God spoke to him from the burning bush Moses could have let fear rule him instead of stepping out in faith to return to Egypt. He could have stayed with his wife and child and he even would have had a valid excuse of providing for his own family.
Instead Moses listened to God and moved in obedience to His will. It was then that God used Moses to convince Pharaoh to let His people go.
That same obedience is what He desires from us so that we can be used for His Kingdom work in the world today.
“If you cling to your life, you will lose it but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.”
Matthew 10:39 NLT
Are You Willing to Get Uncomfortable?
Just as the Godly Men and Women of old were willing to choose faith over fear, we too must be willing to take a stand.
Are you willing to leave your place of comfort so that God can do the impossible through you? #fromfeartofreedomtour Share on XSome of the disciples were willing to immediately leave their fishing nets, follow Jesus, and become fishers of men. James and John even left their own father behind in a boat.
We need to trust that when we step out God will show up. Whether it be answering the call to write, sing, or start a ministry. Any kingdom work the Lord has assigned to you must be done with great fervor and with special urgency so that many are saved. For time is short.
It is when we are obedient that we become useful for every good work.
“Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.”
James 4:17 NLT
Make sure you stop by at the Fear to Freedom Tour so that you can catch every post written by 25 bloggers! You won’t want to miss it!

Oh girl, I think we all like to hang out in our comfort zone! I love the tips you shared and the wisdom to help us break free and follow Jesus! xoxo
Right?! Thank you for stopping in Nicki. It’s always a pleasure : )
I love this! I would also add Esther to the list of those who stepped out in faith. I’m currently praying about something which would require me to get out of my comfort zone. I’m waiting for God to lead me. Thank you for this post. It’s a great reminder for me to be brave for Him.
Yes!! You are so right. Esther stepped out in fear. I’m praying for you to step out in boldness for Him in the areas He wants you to.
I am such an introvert and God has been using me in ways lately that has take me wayyyy out of my comfort zone.
One thing particular I feel like he is nudging me to do is to join a small group at church. Ugh that is way out of my comfort zone. I like being introverted.
It’s so hard to break out of our shell. I know as a fellow introvert how difficult it can be. I’ve been part of a small group for a little over two years and it has been such a blessing. Hopefully that encourages you to step out.
This was such an amazing article Natalie. One thing I have noticed is that the longer I allow fear to keep me stuck in my comfort zone, the worse the fear gets. I had been stuck in my comfort zone for so long, I actually became fearful of getting in the car by myself and driving to Target! I am trying to work through that now but you are so right. It can be debilitating and cause us to not step out and we miss out on what God has for us. Thank you for this!!
For many years I battled with the fear of driving. All the what-ifs targeted me and all I needed was one little excuse not to drive. Thankfully the Lord has helped me overcome my fears. Praying you have that same breakthrough Diane!
Such an important topic to touch on, Natalie! I myself can be on the timid side when it comes to taking steps of faith and appropriate risks. Your post challenged me to consider how I’m holding back and to take the right steps outside of my comfort zone. Thanks for posting on this!
I’m so happy that this message resonated with you Sarah. A healthy challenge is always a good thing : )
I totally hear you, Natalie! Thanks for the gentle nudge to trust God in all things… even the scary, uncomfortable situations.
Amen sister! God knows what we need to hear and when we need to hear it.
Wonderful post on exactly the day I needed it. We do use so many excuses to not step out. The root cause is that we really don’t want to give up that control of what we can influence. But God calls us to look to Him, not ourselves. Thank you for the practical advice.
You’re so very welcome Elaine. So happy that God used this message to speak to you.
I don’t think I ever noticed that last verse before from James. I love that you challenge us to do what God call us to do. Period.
Praise God! The Lord has placed it in me to be an encourager of those who write for His glory. I’m so glad you were blessed by that verse.