This day in age we are surrounded by a dizzying buzz of technology. We have smart phones, computers, tablets, and streaming devices. Within each one of these lies the scope of social media. There’s an overload of information at our fingertips whether personal or public. As our culture is flooded with knowledge we can easily become overwhelmed by our intake. Perhaps it’s time for you to take a break from social media. Otherwise known as a Social Media Fast.
Gulp. I know. It’s easier said than done.
It can be difficult to make the decision to turn off the devices because we feel like we might be missing out on something. Social media has its good uses but it can also be a big distraction from what you should be doing.
The Benefits of Going on a Social Media Hiatus
We have become addicted to checking-in on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. There is an instant gratification we get from posting and getting interactions. But are there benefits to refraining from posting and taking a break from social media?
I believe there are.
This past March I took a month off from Social Media and I was not only surprised by the way I felt, I knew it was a necessary detox from unnecessary distractions. Here are the ways my break refreshed me and the ways it may benefit you as well:
We can settle for the instant-gratification of scrolling or we can turn it all off so we can listen to what God has to say. Share on X
1. Less Noise = Less Distractions
As we surf our social media platforms we are exposing ourselves to a flood of information. Depending on who or what we are following this can have an effect on us. What I started to experience was that even the posts that were meant for good were having a negative influence on me. How you ask? By listening to popular opinion rather than listening to God’s voice.
I began to grow confused over things that were once so clear. The noise of the internet began to drown out the Lord’s voice. Therefore, I turned off the distraction and opened my Bible. That is where I was led to part 2 of my discovery…
2. Realignment With God
We live in a pretty opinionated society and each one of us has a perspective of our own about controversial subjects. However, no opinion is powerful enough to negate God’s Word. His Word is the standard to which we compare every thought to.
What does God say about certain subjects? How does He say we should respond?
When fickle feelings begin to sway how we feel about biblical truths then watch out. You might be paying too much attention to the crowd rather than being in alignment with what God’s word says.
Staying away from social media frees up your time so that you have more of it to devote to study, devotion, and worship. It then becomes quiet enough to hear His voice more clearly.
3. Clarity For Your Calling
You may have found your sweet spot and know exactly what it is that God has called you to do or you may still be waiting for God to reveal that to you.
In any case, social media can distract you from fulfilling that calling and living out your purpose by draining your time. Instead of putting His will for your life into action you might be focused on what everyone else is doing. That can lead to thinking that you should be doing what they are doing.
Wrong again.
The Lord has given us each specific callings with His own personal instructions on how they should be carried out. Serving the Lord takes action and if our time is occupied by scrolling the screen then we inadvertently become ineffective.
Realigning yourself with God’s word and following His lead will take you to the right place every time. He takes the guess work out of it and places you on the right path. The burden becomes His while you are liberated from the chains of people-pleasing and striving.
4. Time To Reprioritize
As you free up your day you will better allocate that additional time to what is important.
If you are single, you will have more time to devote to ministry and studying God’s Word.
If you are married, you know that after God your family is your next priority. Your Husband and children will benefit much from you turning all the electronics off and giving them your undivided attention.
Set up dates with your spouse. Take extra time to tidy up if you know it’s something he likes. Talk to your children about their day and spend quality time with them one on one. The options really are endless. The benefits of investing into your personal relationships will be returned a thousand-fold.
5. Renewed in Spirit
When we are connected to the Vine we can rest assured that our lives will bear fruit. But how can we be fruitful if we are tapped into cheap imitations that offer instant gratification.
There is beauty in resting in His word and being filled up with the Spirit. When you are tapped into living water as opposed to stagnant water there is a life-altering experience. Joy. Peace. Rest for our souls.
Alignment with the Spirit produces refreshing results and reignites passion for His Kingdom. Things like instant-gratification are replaced with perseverance and steadfastness. That kind of rejuvenation produces lasting results as opposed to time wasted scrolling your screen.
“Leave your simple ways behind, and begin to live; learn to use good judgment.”
Proverbs 9:6 NLT
The Results of Taking a Social Media Fast
When I came back from my Social Media Fast I felt not only like the Lord had rejuvenated me but I also knew that He had redirected me. I had slowly felt like I was veering off the path He had selected for me, but by realigning myself, I can see now that there is so much more that He has planned.
He showed me that resting in Him is so much more productive than striving. My plans pale in comparison to His.
I’m sure there will be more social media breaks in my future. After all, this is only one type of fast that we can do. But I’m here to tell you that there is power in turning it all off and sitting before His throne. By trusting in Him for the results you can expect to see the mountains move.
I’m so glad that you did your own social media fast. I really need to do one but I worry (of course, cuz I always worry!) about neglecting my FB page or group. Going to pray for discernment! Thank you, my friend!
If the Lord wants you to turn it all off, believe me you will know. What I did do is scheduled a few posts throughout the month to my FB so that it didn’t go inactive. This may help if you feel led to do a fast down the road. Thanks for stopping in Susan : )
You make a lot of good points. Putting away social media is such a difficult decision these days, but it is my number one distraction from the important things. Thanks for giving me some great reasons to try a fast!
You’re so very welcome Rebecca! Take it from me, it’s hard to stop doing something you have already decided is a necessary part of your routine. By stepping back you allow the Lord to put things into perspective. I hope you do one!
“Instead of putting His will for your life into action you might be focused on what everyone else is doing.” This is what I have found with blogging. This is my first day back to posting after two months, and my break was much needed. Meanwhile, the Lord led me to start a writer’s group and connect with people in town…personal interaction that I needed so much.
I’m glad to see I’ve not been the only one who needed this, and I loved every point you made.
It’s hard to keep our eyes only on Jesus and His purpose for us these days, but my, how awful it is when we don’t! Thank you!
You are absolutely right Ann. I’m so glad you were able to find time to be away with the Lord. Thank you for stopping in!
I have reevaluated the time I spent on Social Media for over a week now I have not sat on my computer for more than 20 minutes a day I sometimes do have to for my job. I would find myself stressing about not doing enough just like you said. Am I doing enough or maybe I should be doing what everyone else is. Stopping and rethinking the why’s I started a blog gets me grounded and I can go from there.
It can be so easy to get caught up in that way of thinking Justina. However, the Holy Spirit convicts us whenever we are allowing distractions to take over in life. So glad you stopped in to read today : )
I’ve done this a couple of times over the summer, so nice to step away and recharge.
There’s nothing like taking a step away so that you can sit before the Lord and be filled up. Thank you for stopping in!
Well, now I know what I have to do!! I know it’s not going to be easy!! But, this was confirmation!!! I’ve been doing a lot of scrolling the book of Face and not the books of the Bible … yeah, I know I’m crazy!!! Pray for me!! As a stay at home mom and a husband working from home, I talk to my kids all day and in the middle of the night and in the afternoon… I was looking for that adult interaction. But I will pause for the cause of getting my relationship with Christ, my husband, my children and my home realigned and even putting in more work to get my own blog off the ground and really doing the work.
Pray for me !!!!
Praise God! I had to take a break from social media and the news this week as well. I tell you what…absorbing the Word of God while “silencing” the world was just what I needed. I’m praying the Lord speaks to you and encourages you during your fast.
My 40 day media fast starts tomorrow. I’m jotting down notes from your blog in mynotebook.
I’m so glad that you found this post useful!
Thank you so much for the post. I am currently on a social media fast since the 3rd,im glad I did it now I just have to be more intentional about using the time to be with the Lord. I’m grateful for the much needed rest.