There Was a Humble Beginning
I can hardly believe that four years ago I hit publish on my very first blog post. I didn’t know what I was in for. There have been plenty of peaks and pitfalls but I wouldn’t take one day back. No, not a one.
The Lord had prompted me to begin writing for Him about five years ago, and the longer I waited to start the louder His persistent voice got. There was no escaping it.
I tried to ignore the prompting altogether by convincing myself that I wasn’t really hearing the Lord, or perhaps I was mistaken. But alas, His voice was relentless and as I’m sitting here remembering, I am grateful. I’m truly humbled that He chose me to steward this responsibility.
I know now that this is not just a blog. It’s a ministry because God is using me to minister to others. I consider it a privilege to share the Gospel through my writing and continuously seek His guidance with every word.
We Have To Adapt as Writers
There have been many changes over the years. Some technical, some relational, but most have been spiritual. When you write for the Lord you are constantly learning and developing. Sure, part of that is honing your craft, but the majority of the time you are growing through experiences.
For me, there is no better way to learn than to try, fail, and then try again.
Failures help you to reassess how you tackled things the first time and then they remind you to yield to the Holy Spirit 100% of the time instead of relying on fickle feelings. Feelings will mess us up because they are founded on the temporal. The leading of the Holy Spirit yields eternal results.

5 Ways I Grew My Blog
I am including five things that grew my blog exponentially these past 4 years. While there are many components to owning and successfully growing a blog, I attribute my own blog growth to these 5 actions.
1. Prayer/ Leading of the Holy Spirit
This is key right here and perhaps you’ve heard it before. I can’t tell you enough how imperative it is to listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit when it comes to your Christian blog. There will be times when you are inundated by opinions, suggestions, ideas, and strategies on how you should grow your blog. While these things can be helpful, they won’t amount to anything unless you are seeking what the Lord wants first. It is HIS blog, therefore He determines the direction. When you begin striving for growth it can have an adverse effect on your blog and I believe that is the Holy Spirit trying to get your attention. He will always need to be the foundation if you expect growth.
“I will show you what it’s like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then follows it. It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built. But anyone who hears and doesn’t obey is like a person who builds a house right on the ground, without a foundation. When the floods sweep down against that house, it will collapse into a heap of ruins.”
Luke 6:47-49 NLT
2. Faithfulness/ Not quitting
Once you begin writing for the Lord, there will be many things that will not only try to distract you but will try and discourage you from writing all together. You will feel like what you write isn’t making an impact. You might feel like the time that you have sacrificed has been wasted. Dreams that you have didn’t materialize as you had hoped they would. This is normal, and should actually be expected. I’ll say it again…it is normal to feel this way. Our enemy is relentless and as long as we are writing for the Lord, we will have targets on our backs.
That is why it is so very important that we as writers, do not rely on our own feelings to reveal whether or not we should continue. Our feelings change from day to day and offer no real answers. We should always bring it back to God and what His Spirit says. We don’t stop unless He reveals it’s time to move on. He will bring you confirmation when it’s time to stop. Until then, we keep our hand to the plow and continue on as faithful stewards in the ministries He has given us. He will develop your blog and cause it to flourish in His own perfect timing.
“They were just trying to intimidate us, imagining that they could discourage us and stop the work. So I continued the work with even greater determination.”
Nehemiah 6:9 nlt
3. Focus On One Platform at a Time
When you begin your blog it is important to figure out what social media platforms or strategies you’d like to implement in order to promote your blog. That way, when you hit publish your article isn’t lost in a vast sea of unseen posts.
There are 4 primary ways to market your blog. Three of them are social media outlets and one is through Google itself. They are Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and SEO (search engine optimization). Sure there are other ways to get your blog out there and new platforms pop up every day, but these 4 are your best bet when trying to get your blog post in front of a set of eyes.
Instead of tackling them all at once, I suggest you learn one and master it. Take some free courses. Watch some YouTube videos. Try listening to some podcasts or doing research within blogs who specialize on those topics. You’ll be surprised at how much you will learn. Then set up a consistent schedule where you share your content within that one platform. Once you feel comfortable, move onto the next platform.
When you try to tackle every social media platform at once it can be enough to overwhelm you and make you want to give up. Test some things out and see what works best for you and devote your time to what brings results.
“Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
Proverbs 3:6 NLT
4. Consistency With Branding/ Graphic Design
I cannot begin to tell you how important this is, and how many times it is overlooked.
Imagine that your blog is coming wrapped in a box in the form of a present. It doesn’t matter how good the gift is on the inside, if the gift-wrap is a mess or it’s missing altogether, no one will pick it up when there are so many others with pretty bows and shiny paper.
If you haven’t already, I highly recommend that you begin creating graphics on a free platform like Canva. Use their free templates to design graphics for your blog posts, FB posts, IG posts, or Pinterest posts. If this sounds like a lot, start with your blog. Do you have featured images for your posts or a blog header? Try creating a look that represents your blog and the message you are putting out into the world.
Make no mistake, the message is the most important thing about this gift you are presenting. I just want to help make sure that your gift is opened.
If you are having trouble with this concept, I wrote a blog post about branding that will help you get started.
“Anyone who builds on that foundation may use a variety of materials–gold, silver, jewels, wood, hay, or straw. But on the judgment day, fire will reveal what kind of work each builder has done. The fire will show if a person’s work has any value.”
1 corinthians 3:12-13 nlt
5. Community With Other Christian Bloggers
I cannot tell you have important it is to make friends and become part of the Christian Blogging Community as a writer. It is where you will find the support and encouragement you need to keep going. You will be able to have conversations with women who are experiencing the same kinds of victories and challenges that you are.
Writing for the Lord can be lonely at times. Family members and Church family may not fully understand what it is that you are called to do. Other women who have the same calling as you will not only empathize, but they will know how to spur you on in faith and help you cultivate your gift.
You may be asking yourself, “Where do I find these sorts of communities?”
I’m here to help!
Most of these communities are set up within Facebook in the form of private groups. You can send a request to join by answering the membership questions. I’m listing a few below.
*Disclaimer – You must be a Christian Blogger in order to join these groups. Your blog must be current and have published posts in order to be accepted.
“Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisors bring success.”
Proverbs 15:22 nlt
Facebook Groups for Christian Bloggers
Salt & Light Linkup & Blogging Community
I am an Admin of this group and co-labor with 3 other anointed bloggers to meet your blogging needs. This is a group that offers social sharing, encouragement, and blogging tips. We also have daily threads and offer prayer. I recommend this group for those who are looking to grow their blogging reach. It's my favorite place to hang out.
Bloggers Corner
This amazing group is ran by Alisa Nicaud of Flourishing Today. This group offers sound advice for your blogging needs. This is my go-to place whenever I have a question or need advice when I'm stuck with something technical.
Blessing Bloggers
This group is ran by Deb Wolf of Counting My Blessings. This is an awesome group that is led by prolific bloggers. They offer share threads, encouragement, and prayer to support you on your blogging journey.
Blogger Voices Network
This group is ran by Kelly R Baker of Live Yielded. She co-leads with 3 other bloggers and you'll be blessed as this group offers sound advice, wonderful resources, and encouragement. There are also share threads to take part in.
By His Grace Bloggers
This group is ran by Carmen Brown of Married By His Grace. You will find yourself being aided and supported by the many women who interact within this group. There are share threads and blogging tips galore!
I hope you feel inspired today after reading this post to keep going. Keep putting in the work. Stay hopeful and optimistic about all that God will do through you as you serve Him faithfully.
Yours in Christ,
These are great tips, Natalie! And thank you so much for sharing the Blessing Bloggers Group. So glad to have you in the blogging community! Blessings and hugs!
Thank you so much Deb! You are a pioneer of the online Christian Community and I’m blessed to know you : )
Thanks so much for posting this! As someone who took too much of a break, this tips are helpful for starting over again!
Happy to have you back Cassie! I’m saying a prayer for you as you dive back into blogging : )
This was so helpful!
I’m overjoyed! Thank you for your feedback : )
Probably the most helpful post on this topic that I’ve read. THANK YOU!
You’re very welcome. I’m so happy that you have been helped today by reading my post. Glory be to God!
Thanks, Natalie – good to read, sound, and practical. I struggle in the social media area and have heard before to pick one and stick with it. I just prayed for guidance and will carry on. (:
So glad you are being led by the Lord with the direction of your blog. It’s easy to succumb to popular opinion, but so much more valuable to listen to the Holy Spirit.
THIS> Right in the heart. “Our feelings change from day to day and offer no real answers. We should always bring it back to God and what His Spirit says. We don’t stop unless He reveals it’s time to move on. He will bring you confirmation when it’s time to stop. Until then, we keep our hand to the plow and continue on as faithful stewards in the ministries He has given us. He will develop your blog and cause it to flourish in His own perfect timing.” Popped over because I needed this reminder today to keep moving, one foot in front of the other, and simplify. Thank you, Natalie!
I’m praising God that this spoke to you and encouraged you to keep going. Feelings are fickle but His Spirit reminds us that we need to rely on Him instead of how we feel.
Hi 🙂 We started our blogs for the same reasons! I’m less than 6 months in and I frequently get discouraged. Thank you for the boost of hope I needed today! God bless you.
Hi Natalie,
Thank you for the advice, just a month ago I started a micro blog on Instagram just to test the water as it were. Have you any advice on how to grow an Instagram following? I’ve already invited family & friends to check it out and give me feed back and of course pray over it each day, I also only post when I feel the Lord leads but am feeling a bit discouraged by the lack of growth.
Every Blessing,
Hiya Jenny,
Instagram is a tough platform but it’s also so fun to navigate. I’ve found that engaging with others on a consistent level (likes and comments), utilizing IG stories, and creating a curated look within your feed are some of the best ways to get started. You’ll want to post consistently and make sure you are liking posts that are from accounts within your niche. That way the algorithm knows who to show your account to. I hope this helps!
This was right on time! I actually shy away from social media just to avoid the chaos, but I figured there must be another way to help my blog reach the nations and be an impact. This was encouraging to keep pushing!
Praise the Lord! That is so encouraging to read Risa. I’m saying a prayer for you now to KEEP GOING!
I’m excited to get into some of the Facebook support groups! Some are for women, but it looks like some allow men too, right? I see so many names I recognize from Pinterest, like Deb Wolf and Kelly R. Baker.
Thanks so much!
Thanks for this great post. I launched my blog in October and am trying to figure it all out. Thanks for the guidance you provide.
I’m so happy to help and thank you for the kind feedback : )
This was well needed. Thank you from Jamaica. I really appreciate your wisdom.
-From a young blogger
This brings me joy! Glory be to God!
Thank you for this wonderful blog post. Super helpful and encouraging. I have been blogging for one year now and it has been a journey of ups and downs for sure. I haven’t always sought the Lord in the management of my blog. I will definitely be seeking his guidance through prayer and listening more. These 5 actionable steps were very helpful so thank you!
Alicia, I’m so very glad that you stopped in and that you were blessed by what you read. Blogging is a ministry so it is much harder than it seems. It comes with much responsibility. So happy you were encouraged!
I have been back and forth of taking the plunge of starting a blog for two years now! I am now choosing to be obedient and submissive to the Lord’s call for me. Thank you!
Praise the Lord!! Please let me know if you have any questions. I’m happy to help.
Thank you so much for this post! I totally needed this… it’s been a bit challenging trying to launch my blog over the past few months, but I’m grateful for the advice and guidance you offered. I especially liked your first point of really just praying about my blog and allowing God to work. That is what’s most important and should be at the forefront, but I can totally forget about it as I get caught up in making sure I’m posting enough or pinning enough. Anyway, thank you again for the reminder to just PRAY! Great post!
I really needed to read this!
I’m trying to grow my blog; blog and this has encouraged me to keep going and spreading God’s word!
Thank you 🙂
May xx
I love the information on the blog, but I’m curious regarding the groups on Facebook. Is it not possible to join before someone publishes their blog?
You are correct. At this point the FB group is only for those who are currently blogging. Hope to see you there soon!
Salt and Light (the first group you listed) has changed their name to Showered in Grace Christian Women Bloggers. As a male Christian blogger, it’s discouraging to look for community only to be told it’s “women only.” I find the same bias with a lot of bloggers when I join their mailing lists only to receive emails addressed “Hey, Sister!” or similar. I realize the majority of Christian bloggers are women but HEY! I’d like a place at the table, too!
Hello Tim,
I do apologize for the way that must have made you feel. It is not the first time I have heard it. May I suggest you pray about creating a group for men or a co-ed space for Christian Bloggers. If I knew of one, I’d certainly refer you to it. That tells me there is a need. I don’t personally feel led to create one, but hey, pray about it. You never know!