Bad Decision-making Before I came to know Christ, decisions were made on a whim with no real thought behind them. I hastily chose whatever was most convenient and usually tried to work myself out of it later, especially if I…

From Spiritual Milk to Solid Food in the Faith
Bad Decision-making Before I came to know Christ, decisions were made on a whim with no real thought behind them. I hastily chose whatever was most convenient and usually tried to work myself out of it later, especially if I…
If there is anything the enemy tries to convince us of when we are in the middle of a spiritual battle is that he has won, that he has the power, and that he somehow reigns. Let’s just expose that…
Today I get the awesome privilege of guest posting over at my dear friend Alisa Nicaud’s blog Flourishing Today. We are in the series “Knowing the Father” and I had to give this post some serious thought. The Lord is ever present…
The Location You Are In Do you ever feel like your location doesn’t fit your calling? Perhaps the Lord has given you a path to follow and it just doesn’t make sense where you are standing, but it makes perfect…
Facing the Spiritual Battle Thank you for joining me for Part Two in my Spiritual Warfare Series on Milk & Honey Faith. In Part One we discussed how we can identify when we are under spiritual attack and what tactics…
Attack on the Mind As we are in the discussion of spiritual warfare on my blog I only found it fitting to Feature Gretchen Fleming’s blog post “3 Ways to Stand Firm Against the Lies of the Enemy“….
The Importance of Meekness It took me a long time to even try to begin understanding what the word meek meant. For many years I thought it to be a different way of saying that someone was shy. I learned…
Spiritual Warfare Series (This post may contain affiliate links) Do you ever feel like you are in the middle of a battle that you can’t seem to win? Do the hits just keep coming? I’ve been there too. It’s a spiritual…
When I was first called into blogging, I doubted. I questioned the very prompting that was placed upon my heart. “Who? me God? Surely there is someone else more suitable for the job?” That is not the way one should react…
(This post may contain affiliate links but all opinions are my own) Have you ever felt like you don’t have the words for God and that your prayers fall flat? Join the club because that is something I’ve struggled with…
How Do You Know If You Are Idolizing Success? This is one of those difficult posts to write. To be honest, I didn’t want to write this because it hit home a little to much for my liking. It…
The Marriage of my Dreams As a child I can remember contemplating what my future would look like. I dreamt big dreams about my life, and pictured myself as a doctor or lawyer. I used to tell my Grandmother…
Where was my Community? I can remember crying out to God because there was a time that I yearned for a true sense of community and for friendships that were loyal. Even though I was blessed with a loving husband…
I’m truly blessed and honored to be featuring Jessica from A Widow’s Promise at my blog today. From the moment I met her I knew that the Lord would use her mightily for His Kingdom. I pray that you receive…
I welcome you to the first ever Testimony Tour! This week my co-host Carmen and I are delighted to introduce you to the testimonies of eight beautiful women of God. We will each be sharing how we came to know…
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