I’m Passionate About Creating an Inviting Home I have had a long-time love for interior Design and can literally spend hours wandering through Home Decor stores. I’m like a kid in a candy shop. Eyes wide-open, mouth agape…oooohing and aaaaahing…

From Spiritual Milk to Solid Food in the Faith
I’m Passionate About Creating an Inviting Home I have had a long-time love for interior Design and can literally spend hours wandering through Home Decor stores. I’m like a kid in a candy shop. Eyes wide-open, mouth agape…oooohing and aaaaahing…
I have heard the two words religion and relationship compared an awful lot lately. While I’m no expert on the matter I do have a rather strong opinion about this topic based on what I’ve read in scriptures. You see, at one time…
This post may contain affiliate links. Do you know the saying, “It takes one to know one”? Well here I am, a blogging newbie giving you some invaluable tips that I have learned in my first few months of blogging….
There is a name for that place…you know the one. The destination that the Lord has promised to you. It’s your Promise Land. It might seem unattainable and in a place so distant that it would take light years to…
Today was a little day of Dream-Come-True’s. Carmen at Married by His Grace has been gracious enough to have me as a guest on her blog. She is just as sweet as can be and I’m so honored to be…
Day after day we get bombarded with horrifying news. Our Facebook feeds are filled with tragedy and our tv’s display corruption and catastrophe as if nothing good exists anymore. Upcoming elections have a heaviness attached to them and current political agendas…
This past April, my Husband and I had the greatest idea and decided we would try our hand at gardening. So many people at work were bringing in fresh salads with chopped herbs and juicy tomatoes from their own gardens…
Hello to my lovely readers, Thank you so much for joining me here and welcome to my new and improved blog. It’s the same name, with a different look. It feels as if it has been ages and I guess…
Hi there lovelies! I’m so delighted to be sharing this post with you today because there is a little news that I have reserved for the end. Let me just say that this journey of blogging has been off to…
Pulled From The Mud and Mire It has been nearly three years since God lifted me out of the slimy pit. Three blissful, painful, and incredibly miraculous years. You see, I was saved at the age of fifteen but…
Such a Time as This Perhaps you find yourself wondering when your time will come. Maybe you are in a season of wait or floundering in a place without purpose. I have news for you…you aren’t alone. Have you…
Have you ever asked yourself this question? Am I a complainer or am I content? I’m willing to take a bet that most of us would jump at the chance to say that we’re content but let us reflect for…
It’s in my quiet times with the Lord that I feel at peace. Everything is calm and serene and as I read His word and every last one of the scriptures speaks to my heart. Be kind and gentle He…
Like anything else I’ve ever started let’s just say I’m a little nervous about how this will go. I have high hopes and on the other hand I have fears about what will happen if I slip up. Something that…
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