Are You Ready To Soak Up the Lord’s Wisdom?
There is nothing else that excites me like the Word of God and all that the Lord reveals within its pages. It’s better than precious gems or solid gold. It’s a treasure trove of God’s goodness and it never empties. God’s Word keeps giving, teaching, and guiding.
The more I dig into this treasure, the more His Word reveals and I can’t get enough.
Do you feel like this too? Do you yearn for more of God’s Word?
Then I have an invitation for you.
Beginning October 1st 2020, I would love for you to join me as I open up Proverbs and prayerfully examine a verse every month. I will be looking up original text, discussing relevancy, and advising on practical ways to apply the wisdom that is found within the scriptures.
Proverbs is a book in the Bible that is widely believed to have been written by King Solomon. The verses within possess wisdom that is still very applicable today and truly stand the test of time. The scriptures are not only poetic, but encouraging. It is one of my favorite books in the Bible. To form a genuine appreciation of the Book of Proverbs is to know a little bit about King Solomon and how he became so wise.
King Solomon and the Proverbs
Solomon was the son of King David, and when his father died, he became King of Israel. Solomon loved the Lord and he walked in the statutes of his father David.
One night the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream and said “Ask! What shall I give you?”
Since Solomon was a young child when he inherited the throne, he asked that the Lord would give him an understanding heart so that he could discern between good and evil.
The Lord took into account that Solomon didn’t ask for a long life, riches, or to avenge his enemies. Instead, Solomon asked for wisdom and understanding and that is what the Lord gave him. In fact, He was so pleased with his response that He gave Solomon what he asked for and blessed him with riches and honor. There was no one like him before or after him.
“Behold, I have done according to your words; see, I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise after you.”
1 KINgs 3:12 NLT
So you see, as we read Proverbs we know that not only are these words inspired by the Holy Spirit but that they are also written by the wisest man who walked the Earth.
I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to dig in!
Proverbs is brimming over with wisdom and it is ripe for the picking.
I will be reading and learning right along with you.
You won’t have to worry about signing up or joining any groups. This series will be up and running on the blog so you can check in anytime and read at your own pace.
However, I will be offering additional insight within a special series of newsletters. This will only be available to those who sign up for my Proverbs Perspective emails, so this will be exclusive. While you don’t have to sign up – I do encourage it if you need help remembering when posts go live. I know that I’m personally horrible at remembering to check in, even when I’m very interested in something. So I’m offering a way for you to be reminded.
I plan on going a little deeper within my emails and sharing how each verse has impacted me during the month. Expect things like relevant verses, Biblical insight, and maybe even some additional perspective. I not only expect this series to be fun, but also a learning experience for all of us. Myself included. I’m also looking forward to conversing with you on a personal level as I’ll be encouraging you to respond via email.
If you’d like to subscribe to my Proverbs Perspective newsletters and have updates delivered to your email then please click the image below.
I’m so very excited to see what God does as this idea has been on my heart for a while.
I will see you all again on October 1st 2020 for our very first Proverbs Perspective post!
Remember to get a little something extra by subscribing below.